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From Jubina:
First of all, the library dependencies of libssl, libpng and libcrypto create error. so I made a symbolic link in order for the program to pick the correct dependencies.
The second one for the dbm (which I already discussed)
and finally, if we are using conda environment we need to change the /ur/local/bin to our conda bin directory.
f we are working under conda environment, the line /usr/local/bin in the crispraddgenome should be changed to /path/to/conda/environment/bin (in my case: /scratch/jubina/miniconda/envs/sgRNA/bin) otherwise, even if we copy all files and programs in the usrLocalBin to /usr/local/bin it won't really identify the files.
I updated to a Centos 8 Stream four years later and all binaries are still working. So my dependencies cannot have been that bad...