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A PHP implementation of the Specification pattern


Satisfaction is a PHP implementation of the Specification pattern for DDD.

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The aim of the specification pattern is to write domain specifications in reusable classes instead of dispatching domain rules conditons in all your project.


composer require maximecolin/satisfaction


Simple example

My model :

class Article
	public $published = false;
	public $publishedAt;

My specification :

use Satisfaction\CompositeSpecification;

class PublishedArticle extends CompositeSpecification
	public function isSatisfiedBy($article)
		return $article->published === true && $article->publishedAt <= new \DateTime();

I want to know if an article is published :

$specicification = new PublishedArticle();

if ($specification->isSatisfiedBy($article)) {
	// Do something

Or, And, Not

You can chain specifications with "or", "and" or "not" condition.

// If both foo and bar are satified
if ((new FooSpecification())->andX(new BarSpecification())->isSatifiedBy($object)) {
	// Do something
// If foo is satisfied or bar is not
if ((new FooSpecification())->orX((new BarSpecification())->not())->isSatifiedBy($object)) {
	// Do something


Maxime Colin <>


See the LICENCE file.


Thanks to Jean-François Lépine for his talk about DDD.