CheckMarkView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CheckMarkView copied to clipboard

UI view which draws programmatically a checkmark with different styles


Version License Platform CocoaPods CocoaPods

Unfortunately Apple doesn't provide an accessory type property for UICollectionViewCell, such as for UITableViewCell, so I provide a custom way to create a checkmark. A just a simple view which draws programmatically a checkmark with some styles.

alt tag



pod 'CheckMarkView'


Copy CheckMarkView.swift to your project.


You can create from the code or set up a view in the Storyboard, XIB.

let checkMarkView = CheckMarkView()

For controlling you have checked property. And style property for the unchecked view. There are some styles:

enum CheckMarkStyle: Int {
    case nothing
    case openCircle
    case grayedOut


CheckMarkView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.