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Fork of magma to include more BLAS
=================== MAGMA README FILE
- Further documentation is provided in docs/html/index.html.
Configuring MAGMA
Modify the file to indicate your C/C++ compiler, Fortran compiler, and where CUDA, CPU BLAS, and LAPACK are installed on your system. Examples are given in,,,*, showing how to link to ACML, ATLAS, MacOS veclib, MKL, and OpenBLAS, respectively.
Library paths
All the files assume $CUDADIR is set in your environment. For bash (sh), put in ~/.bashrc (with your system's path): export CUDADIR=/usr/loca/cuda For csh/tcsh, put in ~/.cshrc: setenv CUDADIR /usr/local/cuda MAGMA is tested with CUDA >= 5.5. Some functionality requires a newer version.
The MKL files assume $MKLROOT is set in your environment. For bash (sh), put in ~/.bashrc (with your system's path): source /opt/intel/composerxe/mkl/bin/ intel64 For csh/tcsh, put in ~/.cshrc: source /opt/intel/composerxe/mkl/bin/mklvars.csh intel64 MAGMA is tested with MKL 11.2.3 (2015), both LP64 and ILP64; other versions may work.
The ACML file assumes $ACMLDIR is set in your environment. For bash (sh), put in ~/.bashrc (with your system's path): export ACMLDIR=/opt/acml-5.3.1 For csh/tcsh, put in ~/.cshrc: setenv ACMLDIR /opt/acml-5.3.1 MAGMA is tested with ACML 5.3.1; other versions may work. See comments in regarding ACML 4; a couple testers fail to compile with ACML 4.
The ATLAS file assumes $ATLASDIR and $LAPACKDIR are set in your environment. If not installed, install LAPACK from For bash (sh), put in ~/.bashrc (with your system's path): export ATLASDIR=/opt/atlas export LAPACKDIR=/opt/LAPACK For csh/tcsh, put in ~/.cshrc: setenv ATLASDIR /opt/atlas setenv LAPACKDIR /opt/LAPACK
The OpenBLAS file assumes $OPENBLASDIR is set in your environment. For bash (sh), put in ~/.bashrc (with your system's path): export OPENBLASDIR=/opt/openblas For csh/tcsh, put in ~/.cshrc: setenv OPENBLASDIR /opt/openblas
Linking to BLAS
Depending on the Fortran compiler used for your BLAS and LAPACK libraries, the linking convention is one of: * Add underscore, so gemm() in Fortran becomes gemm_() in C. * Uppercase, so gemm() in Fortran becomes GEMM() in C. * No change, so gemm() in Fortran stays gemm() in C. Set -DADD_, -DUPCASE, or -DNOCHANGE, respectively, in all FLAGS in your file to select the appropriate one. Use nm to examine your BLAS library:
acml-5.3.1/gfortran64_mp/lib> nm libacml_mp.a | grep -i 'T.*dgemm' 0000000000000000 T dgemm 00000000000004e0 T dgemm_
Which shows that either -DADD_ (dgemm_) or -DNOCHANGE (dgemm) should work. The default in all files is -DADD_.
Compile-time options
Several compiler defines, below, affect how MAGMA is compiled and might have a large performance impact. These are set in files using the -D compiler flag, e.g., -DMAGMA_WITH_MKL in CFLAGS.
MAGMA_WITH_MKL If linked with MKL, allows MAGMA to get MKL's version and set MKL's number of threads.
MAGMA_WITH_ACML If linked with ACML 5 or later, allows MAGMA to get ACML's version. ACML's number of threads are set via OpenMP.
MAGMA_NO_V1 Disables MAGMA v1.x compatability. Skips compiling non-queue versions of MAGMA BLAS routines, and simplifies magma_init().
MAGMA_NOAFFINITY Disables thread affinity, available in glibc 2.6 and later.
BATCH_DISABLE_CHECKING For batched routines, disables the info_array that contains errors. For example, for Cholesky factorization if you are sure your matrix is SPD and want better performance, you can compile with this flag.
BATCH_DISABLE_CLEANUP For batched routines, disables the cleanup code. For example the {sy|he}rk called with "lower" will write data on the upper triangular portion of the matrix.
BATCHED_DISABLE_PARCPU In the testing directory, disables the parallel implementation of the batched computation on CPU. Can be used to compare a naive versus a parallelized CPU batched computation.
Building without Fortran
MAGMA can be built without Fortran by commenting out FORT in the file. However, some testers will not be able to check their results.
Building Shared Libraries
By default now, all files add the -fPIC option to CFLAGS, FFLAGS, F90FLAGS, and NVCCFLAGS, required for building a shared library. Note in NVCCFLAGS that -fPIC is passed via the -Xcompiler option. Running: make or make lib make test make sparse will create shared libraries: lib/ lib/ and static libraries: lib/libmagma.a lib/libmagma_sparse.a and testing drivers in 'testing' and 'sparse-iter/testing'.
(The current exception is for ATLAS, in, which in our install is a static library, thus requiring MAGMA to be a static library.)
Building Static Libraries
Alternatively, comment out FPIC in the file to compile only a static library. Then, running: make or make lib make test make sparse will create static libraries: lib/libmagma.a lib/libmagma_sparse.a and testing drivers in 'testing' and 'sparse-iter/testing'.
To install libraries and include files in a given prefix, run:
make install prefix=/usr/local/magma
The default prefix is /usr/local/magma. You can also set prefix in
Environment variables
These variables control MAGMA, BLAS, and LAPACK runtime behavior.
$MAGMA_NUM_GPUS For multi-GPU functions, set $MAGMA_NUM_GPUS to the number of GPUs to use.
$OMP_NUM_THREADS $MKL_NUM_THREADS $VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS For multi-core BLAS libraries, set $OMP_NUM_THREADS or $MKL_NUM_THREADS or $VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS to the number of CPU threads, depending on your BLAS library.
A short standalone EXAMPLE is provided in directory 'example'. This is intended to show the minimum needed to start using MAGMA, without all the extra Makefiles, headers, and libraries used in testing. You must edit example/Makefile to reflect your, or use pkg-config, as described in example/README.txt.
To TEST MAGMA, go to directory 'testing'. Drivers testing different routines are provided. These drivers are also useful as examples on how to use MAGMA, as well as to benchmark the performance.
The testers print "ok" or "failed" for whether the error passes the tolerance. In some cases, the tolerance may be too strict, so a test may "fail" even though it is only slightly above the tolerance. Error values around 1e-15 for double and double-complex, and 1e-7 for single and single-complex, are generally acceptable. Values larger than 1e-4 are very suspicious.
You can modify the blocking factors for the algorithms of interest in file 'control/get_nb.cpp'. The default values are tuned for general Fermi (2.x) and Kepler (3.x) GPUs.
Performance results are included in results/vA.B.C/cudaX.Y-zzz/*.txt for MAGMA version A.B.C, CUDA version X.Y, and GPU zzz.
For more INFORMATION, please refer to the MAGMA homepage and user forum:
The MAGMA project supports the package in the sense that reports of errors or poor performance will gain immediate attention from the developers. Such reports, descriptions of interesting applications, and other comments should be posted on the MAGMA user forum.