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GitHub actions for R and accompanying R package

Results 100 ghactions issues
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also seems dumb to copy this from the docs

maybe the structure of the syntax is already stored somewhere, maybe in the runner or some other open source package by github. It seems a bit dumb to just copy/paste...

this ain't right anymore, correct way is: ``` if (!identical(Sys.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"), "true")) { return(invisible(TRUE)) } else { return(invisible(FALSE)) } ```

currently in cc @pat-s

Sometimes deploys even of static assets may silently fail (looking at you, GitHub Pages), and it might be nice to have an action that tests this quickly.


this is an issue with pkgdown, I think -- it will not create a ghpages branch if it does not already exist.

occurs with `r-lib/actions` tidyverse default.