straw icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
straw copied to clipboard

Live iOS Notifications in the Simulator.


Piping macOS app notifications to the simulator

Live iOS Notifications in the Simulator


Starting with Xcode 11.4, Xcode allows simulators to open .apns files representing push payloads. Unfortunately, the Simulator itself is still incapable of registering directly with APNS. This project is a bridge app that allows a Mac app to register on your iPhone Simulator's behalf, and relays the push notifications it receives.

Getting Started

To get set up, clone the project and open it in Xcode. You'll need to replace Straw's Bundle ID with whatever your iOS app's Bundle ID is. After that, you'll need to replace the AppDelegate registerWithYourService method to do something with the push token the Mac app receives (you'll probably want to register it with whatever backend handles your push notifications). After that, build, run, and select the simulator you want. Your app should be able to receive notifications now!