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Deal with Android M permissions in runtime in a simple way with reactive programming

Reactive Permissions

License Repository Android Arsenal

Deal with Android M permissions in runtime in a simple way with reactive programming. This library was developed in Kotlin but can interoperate with Java.

  • You may define the permissions that you need (one or many at once). Each permission must be set in the Manifest

  • First verify if the permission is already granted, otherwise request to the user

  • Each permission may contain a string resource explaining why your app requires this permission. If the user denied the permission, the explanation is displayed with the possibility to retry or skip. Explanation can be omitted if the context is clear.

  • If some permissions are very important for your app functionality, you can define that can't continue without this. When an essential permission is denied, a special block dialog is displayed with retry or close options.

  • If the user choose the option "never ask again", the retry button in the block dialog opens the preferences of the app.


App Flow


View an example in a simple activity here


Make sure you have configured the repository jcenter(), it is almost always there

Add this to the gradle dependencies for your module:

  • For RxJava 1.x
compile 'com.github.maxcruz:reactive-permissions:1.5'
  • For RxJava 2.x
compile 'com.github.maxcruz:reactive-permissions:2.1'

Usage for Kotlin, read here for Java implementation

Define permissions as needed:

val camera = Permission(
        Manifest.permission.CAMERA, // Permission constant to request
        R.string.rationale_camera, // String resource with rationale explanation
        true // Define if the app can continue without the permission

val location = Permission(
        false // If the user deny this permission, block the app

val contacts = Permission(
        null, // The context is clear and isn't needed explanation for this permission

// Put all permissions to evaluate in a single array 
val permissions = listOf(location, camera, contacts)

Create the library object for the request

// Define a code to request the permissions
private val REQUEST_CODE = 10
// Instantiate the library
val reactive: ReactivePermissions = ReactivePermissions(this, REQUEST_CODE)

Subscribe to observe results Pair<String, Boolean>

reactive.observeResultPermissions().subscribe { event ->
    if (event.second) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "${event.first} GRANTED :-)", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
    } else {
        Toast.makeText(this, "${event.first} DENIED :-(", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Evaluate the defined permissions. Call evaluate after of register the observer


In the activity, receive the response from the user and pass to the lib

override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(code: Int, permissions: Array<String>, results: IntArray) {
        if (code == REQUEST_CODE)
                reactive.receive(permissions, results)


Copyright (C) 2016 Max Cruz
Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.