just WARNING, don't worry about it. WARNING: The option 'android.enableAapt2' is deprecated and should not be used anymore.
參考看看 狮尾圆体:一款基于思源黑体用程序自动改造的圆体字型 狮尾B2黑体:基于思源黑体的三角形转成半圆形改造字形
> 2. 狮尾B2 Medium简体字里面不少字体没有应用到圆角,是失效的。比如下图的塘字。 不知道發生的原因為何,重轉一次沒有發生問題,請重新下載 ver 2.079 CJK SC 版本。
self._headers['X-Line-Application'] cause LINE server response empty when call to
in the def login(self): in self._headers['X-Line-Application']=app self.transport.setCustomHeaders(self._headers) shinomura: now I can login and get authtoken > 1.disable header "X-Line-Application" before get json > 2.add it back after that then...
in, change http to https: ``` class LineAPI(object): """This class is a wrapper of LINE API """ LINE_DOMAIN = "" ``` ---- ``` def login(self): """Login to LINE server."""...
What's the different in network package between official client and non-official client(LINE BOT)? How to get the latest client version on Mac?
Official and non-released project only for developer use only, LINE company has too many reasons to reject our submit request. There are too many limitations on Official Messaging API, and...
after REVOKE, new server side message is: **None** > File "/line-0.8.0/line/", line 91, in __init__ > self.revision = self._getLastOpRevision() > File "/line-0.8.0/line/", line 330, in _getLastOpRevision > return self._client.getLastOpRevision() >...
1. previous call writeMessageBegin self.PROTOCOL_ID = 130 2. after unpack read message readMessageBegin proto_id = 60 readMessageBegin PROTOCOL_ID = 130 readMessageBegin version = 8 readMessageBegin self.VERSION = 1 if proto_id...