Melker Ulander

Results 99 comments of Melker Ulander

@yamnikov-oleg Who's fault is this incosistent spelling of `'mkdURL'`/`'mkdUrl'`? Is it vim-markdown or is it the [onedark]( colorscheme? I feel like this could be easily fixed in with a small...

@flw-cn Awesome, thanks!

How would I go about to get this feature? The links by @0phoff no longer work.

Rewrite it in Rust and call it Onivim 3? Third time's the charm

Both ```vim Plug 'rhysd/vim-grammarous' ``` and ```vim Plug '' ``` should do the trick.

I've tried adding this to my config but it doesn't seem to apply the schema: ```json "yaml": { "schemas": { "": "custom-filename.yaml" } } ```

Nope, still doesn't work :/ The thing is that I'm using yaml-language-server with [Neovim's built-in LSP client](, which is configured using Lua, not JSON, and I've tried various configurations, including...

@apupier Ok! I tried using inlined schema like you suggested but that didn't work either.

@apupier How do I find the version? I seem to be getting an error when I try to run yaml-language-server with only a `--version` flag

@apupier In the `package.json` it says `0.22.0`