qgroundcontrol copied to clipboard
disconnect and connect buttons does not updated correctly
Expected Behavior
There is two issues, but I think they are related.
- After succesfull connection when disconnect button clicked, if disconnect is sucsesfull, disconnect button should be disabled and connect button should be enabled
- if connection failed, connect and disconnect button states should not changed
Current Behavior
- after succesfull connection when clicked disconnect, Disconnect button remains enabled. If users clicks to a different connection or goes to a different screen, and then comes back, button status is fixed
- if connection refused, connect button becomes disabled, and disconnect button enabled. Clicking disconnect does nothing.
Steps to Reproduce:
open gcs,
go to appsettings -> CommLinks, chose a connection settings that would not refuse connection.
click disconnect
Observe that how much you wait disconnect is not became disabled and connect does not become enabled.
open gcs
go to appsettings -> CommLinks, chose a connection settings that would refuse connection
observe that altough warning pop up appears, button states are changed (connect button becames disabled, disconnect button becomes enabled) 4.click disconnect
observe that nothing happens
System Information
- Operating System: kubuntu 18.04
- QGC Version: 4.1
- QGC build: daily. sha: 9589cc5f002d55099954428603413a6a00df20fa
- Flight Controller: ardupilot sitl
- Autopilot (with version): ardupilot sha: b113fe15ab30946b1b5105d1f8bd6df9d35696e6
Detailed Description
For first problem: A simple work around is simply choosing another connection or going to anoher screen and coming back.
For the second problem: As far as I am aware no workaround exist and only solution is quiting and re opening qgcs.
I am connecting to an sitl vehicle on TCP did not try other connection types.
Log Files and Screenshots
first problem: DisconnectDoesNotUpdate.txt 2nd problem: ConnectButtonChangesOnFail.txt
Hi, also noticed same and in fact also applies to Edit button which does appear to not respond when clicked after a connection as been initiated. As the Disconnect button also doesn't respond as expected a change to connection can not be made. Only solution is to re-start Qgroundcontrol. System in use: Kubuntu 20.04 Plasma 5.18.5 Kernel 5.4.0-80