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insert batch and update batch in laravel

Laravel BATCH (BULK)

Insert and update batch (bulk) in laravel

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composer require mavinoo/laravel-batch

Service Provider

file app.php in array providers :



file app.php in array aliases :

'Batch' => Mavinoo\Batch\BatchFacade::class,

Example Update 1

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$value = [
         'id' => 1,
         'status' => 'active',
         'nickname' => 'Mohammad'
     ] ,
         'id' => 5,
         'status' => 'deactive',
         'nickname' => 'Ghanbari'
     ] ,
$index = 'id';

Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

Example Update 2

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$value = [
         'id' => 1,
         'status' => 'active'
         'id' => 5,
         'status' => 'deactive',
         'nickname' => 'Ghanbari'
         'id' => 10,
         'status' => 'active',
         'date' => Carbon::now()
         'id' => 11,
         'username' => 'mavinoo'
$index = 'id';

Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

Example Increment / Decrement

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$value = [
         'id' => 1,
         'balance' => ['+', 500] // Add
     ] ,
         'id' => 2,
         'balance' => ['-', 200] // Subtract
     ] ,
         'id' => 3,
         'balance' => ['*', 5] // Multiply
     ] ,
         'id' => 4,
         'balance' => ['/', 2] // Divide
     ] ,
         'id' => 5,
         'balance' => ['%', 2] // Modulo
     ] ,
$index = 'id';

Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

Example Insert

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$columns = [
$values = [
         '[email protected]',
     ] ,
         '[email protected]',
     ] ,
         '[email protected]',
     ] ,
$batchSize = 500; // insert 500 (default), 100 minimum rows in one query

$result = Batch::insert($userInstance, $columns, $values, $batchSize);
// result : false or array

sample array result:
    [totalRows]  => 384
    [totalBatch] => 500
    [totalQuery] => 1

Helper batch()

// ex: update

$result = batch()->update($userInstance, $value, $index);

// ex: insert

$result = batch()->insert($userInstance, $columns, $values, $batchSize);


If you don't have phpunit installed on your project, first run composer require phpunit/phpunit

In the root of your laravel app, run ./vendor/bin/phpunit ./vendor/mavinoo/laravel-batch/tests


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