shiny icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
shiny copied to clipboard

Shiny uses your gyroscope to simulate lighting and motion effects on colors. Works on almost every SwiftUI View.

Results 5 shiny issues
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The gradient shifts quickly when the view first loads.

I'd love to use this in my app but I'd like the effect to be a little more subtle.

@maustinstar ```swift HStack { Text("Thank You!") .shiny() .foregroundColor(.moneyRed) .multilineTextAlignment(.leading) .font(.system(size: 42, weight: .heavy)) Spacer() } ``` ```swift libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException *** Terminating app due to...

I have a list of items using ForEach and ScrollView, and if I use _shiny_ on one of the items, the whole view stops receiving touch gestures correctly for every...

Is there any advantage to calling this method twice, as seen in lines 33 and 34?