StaggeredGridView copied to clipboard
SGV.onMeasure() does not recalculate mColumnTops/Bottoms/Lefts when SGV dimension changes
How to reproduce the problem:
Place SGV e.g. inside LinearLayout together with button B.
When button B is clicked change visibility of B to GONE. This way the SGV dimension is increased but SGV children are not layed out properly.
Quick (dirty) fix: recalculate mColumnTops/Bottoms/Lefts each time SGV.onMeasure() is called:
protected void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec, final int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
if (mColumnCount <= 0) {
boolean isLandscape = getMeasuredWidth() > getMeasuredHeight();
mColumnCount = isLandscape ? mColumnCountLandscape : mColumnCountPortrait;
// our column width is the width of the listview
// minus it's padding
// minus the total items margin
// divided by the number of columns
mColumnWidth = calculateColumnWidth(getMeasuredWidth());
//if (mColumnTops == null || mColumnTops.length != mColumnCount) {
mColumnTops = new int[mColumnCount];
//if (mColumnBottoms == null || mColumnBottoms.length != mColumnCount) {
mColumnBottoms = new int[mColumnCount];
//if (mColumnLefts == null || mColumnLefts.length != mColumnCount) {
mColumnLefts = new int[mColumnCount];
Please could you explain with a bit more detail this fix? I'm really interested in it but i have no idea where are some functions like initColumnTops() or calculateColumnWidth in the original SGV. Could you post the whole code please??
just comment these lines didn't work for me :/ The problem occurs only if pull down the list when it is already on the last child. So all the itens disapears or gets messy