background-geolocation-server copied to clipboard
I cannot see markers on map :(
I'm getting the following error on the background-geolocation-server:
InvalidValueError: setPosition: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: in property lat: js?key=AIzaSyBxU4uRlMOXXXXXXXXXXX:51 not a number
I see the post from my Cordova app going to my express server. I have a valid API key, just not markers. Any ideas?
Here is my config file:
url: '', syncUrl: '', syncThreshold: 100, httpHeaders: { 'X-FOO': 'bar' }, // customize post properties postTemplate: { lat: '@latitude', lon: '@longitude', foo: 'bar' // you can also add your own properties
You are using custom post template. Server expects default.
You are using custom post template. Server expects default.
Here is my configuration object with the custom postTemplate removed:
BackgroundGeolocation.configure({ locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocation.ACTIVITY_PROVIDER, desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.HIGH_ACCURACY, stationaryRadius: stationaryRadius, distanceFilter: distanceFilter, notificationTitle: 'background service', notificationText: 'Enabled', notificationIconLarge: 'ic_stat_free_breakfast', notificationIconSmall: 'ic_stat_free_breakfast', debug: false, startOnBoot: true, stopOnTerminate: false, interval: 10000, fastestInterval: 5000, activitiesInterval: 10000, url: '', syncUrl: '', syncThreshold: 100 });
I'm still getting the same error.
Further tinkering revealed that the location object was referenced incorrectly.
position: {lat: location.latitude, lng: location.longitude},
position: {lat: parseFloat(locations[0].lat), lng: parseFloat(locations[0].lon)},
Now the markers show up for me.
Further tinkering revealed that the location object was referenced incorrectly.
No, keep in mind, if you just remove postTemplate from config options, it doesn't mean it starts using defaults!. You need to set it to null postTemplate: null