rn-ts-boilerplate copied to clipboard
Boilerplate of React Native with Typescript and Jest
React Native TS Template
This project is a template using React Native and Typescript.
Using it
npx react-native init YourProjectName --template mard-rn-ts
cd YourProjectName
node first-setup
Insert this scripts at your package.json
"start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",
"test": "jest",
"android": "react-native run-android",
"android:apk": "cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease",
"android:install": "adb install android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk",
"clear": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start --reset-cache",
"devtools": "react-devtools",
"ios": "react-native run-ios",
"lint": "tslint --project tsconfig.json",
"lint:staged": "lint-staged",
"postversion": "react-native-version",
"bump:stable-release": "NEXT_STABLE=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i release)\"; npm version $NEXT_STABLE",
"bump:stable-major": "NEXT_STABLE=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i major)\"; npm version $NEXT_STABLE",
"bump:stable-minor": "NEXT_STABLE=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i minor)\"; npm version $NEXT_STABLE",
"bump:stable-patch": "NEXT_STABLE=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i patch)\"; npm version $NEXT_STABLE",
"bump:beta-release": "NEXT_BETA=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i prerelease --preid beta)\"; npm version $NEXT_BETA",
"bump:beta-major": "NEXT_BETA=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i premajor --preid beta)\"; npm version $NEXT_BETA",
"bump:beta-minor": "NEXT_BETA=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i preminor --preid beta)\"; npm version $NEXT_BETA",
"bump:beta-patch": "NEXT_BETA=\"$(semver $npm_package_version -i prepatch --preid beta)\"; npm version $NEXT_BETA"
Git hooks
The project is using Husky to add some Git hooks.
Husky commit msgs
It's very simple to use, see:
git commit -m "prefix: your beautiful message here"
The prefixes are:
- build
- ci
- chore
- docs
- feat
- fix
- perf
- refactor
- revert
- style
- test
Before commit
As a pre-commit
, it's using a lint:staged
(lint-staged), that format code using prettier.