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This is a custom module integrated with ui5-tooling to deploy Fiori/UI5 apps to SAP environments. This module is under development and it is not part of the official SAP ui5-tooling. For now, it uses a custom version of ui5-cli for deployment capabilities. It's heavily inspired on ui5-build.

Feel free to contribute to the project. PRs are welcome =)

Deploy to

You should be able to deploy to:

  • SAP Netweaver: ABAP server (via OData or ADT)
  • SAP Cloud Platform: NEO environment
  • SAP Cloud Platform: Cloud Foundry environment

Project Configuration

Typically located in a ui5.yaml file per project. You have 3 options for remote systems. They share some configuration, but each one has its own specific details.

This is the basic setup for ui5-deployer shared across all remote system options, it does not include the specific details for a given remote system. Some of the properties are not required, some are.



The ui5.yaml file from your Fiori/UI5 application/library should have a new section called deployer. Deployer section has the following parameters:

ui5.yaml file for deployer

deployer: root attribute, all deployer details go under it

  • type: Indicates the remote system where the project will be deployed. Must be sap-netweaver || sap-cp-neo || sap-cp-cf
  • sourcePath: Path to the folder where your production ready project is
  • connection: Connection details to the remote system
    • url: URL endpoint to connect to the remote system
    • proxy (optional): an HTTP proxy to be used
    • strictSSL (optional): if true, requires SSL certificates to be valid. Note: to use your own certificate authority, you need to specify the path to the SSL Certificate. Must be true || false. Default is false.
    • SSLCertificatePath (optional): path to the SSL Certificate in case you are using your own certificate authority
  • credentials: Credentials to be used when accessing the remote system. This section will be removed soon as it might be a huge security issue. One might end up pushing username/password to the git repo. Username/password should be passed via CLI command only.
    • username: Username
    • password: Password
  • sapCloudPlatform (optional): SAP Cloud Platform target
  • abapRepository (optional): SAP NetWeaver ABAP Repository target
    • client: SAP client/mandt
    • language: SAP Logon Language
    • transportRequest: ABAP Transport Request Number
    • package: ABAP Package
    • bspApplication: BSP Application name
    • bspApplicationText: BSP Application description
    • method: adt || odata. Default is adt. ADT API endpoint is /sap/bc/adt. OData API endpoint is /sap/opu/odata/UI5/ABAP_REPOSITORY_SRV. ADT is the default to avoid breaking old projects. However, OData is recommended for better performance, it doesn't send multiples files, it sends just a single *.zip containing the whole project.
    • skipAdtValidations (optional): Does not validate the existence of some ADT APIs, ABAP packages and Transport Requests used during deployment. Used for older ABAP versions where these ADT APIs are not available. Must be true || false. Default is false.
    • appIndexCalculate (optional): Calculation of SAPUI5 Application Index for SAPUI5 Repositories (/UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE). See SAPUI5 Application Index. Must be true || false. Default is false.

SAP Netweaver: ABAP server

specVersion: '1.0'
  name: ui5-deployer-app-test
type: application
    type: sap-netweaver
    sourcePath: dist/ # Path to the project to be deployed
        - "dist/path_to_excluded/**"
      url: https://dev.my-sap-server.com
      proxy: https://my.proxy.com:43000
      strictSSL: true
      SSLCertificatePath: /certs/my-ssl-certificate.pem
      username: MyUsername
      password: MyPassword
      client: 100
      language: EN
      transportRequest: ABAPDK999999
      package: ZMYPACKAGE
      bspApplication: ZDEPLOYAPP001
      bspApplicationText: TEST DEPLOY APP x1
      method: odata
      skipAdtValidations: true
      appIndexCalculate: true

SAP Cloud Platform: NEO environment

specVersion: '1.0'
  name: ui5-deployer-app-test
type: application
    type: sap-cp-neo
    sourcePath: /dist/*.mtar # Path to the .mtar file to be deployed
      url: https://hanatrial.ondemand.com
      username: MyUsername
      password: MyPassword
        account: myNEO12345Account
        cliPath: C:\neo-java-web-sdk\tools

SAP Cloud Platform: Cloud Foundry environment

specVersion: '1.0'
  name: ui5-deployer-app-test
type: application
    type: sap-cp-cf
    sourcePath: /dist # Path to the manifest.yml file: https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/manifest.html
      url: https://api.cf.eu10.hana.ondemand.com
      username: MyUsername
      password: MyPassword
        org: myORG
        space: mySPACE
        cliPath: C:\cf-cli\tools

For projects using ui5.yaml specVersion 2.1 or higher

Projects using ui5.yaml specVersion 2.1 or higher must use the new customConfiguration property. https://sap.github.io/ui5-tooling/pages/Configuration/#custom-configuration

PS: you can also use the customConfiguration setup for any other specVersion, but 2.0

specVersion: '2.1'
  name: ui5-deployer-app-test
type: application
    type: sap-netweaver
    sourcePath: dist/ # Path to the project to be deployed
      url: https://dev.my-sap-server.com
      strictSSL: false
      username: MyUsername
      password: MyPassword
      client: 100
      language: EN
      transportRequest: ABAPDK999999
      package: ZMYPACKAGE
      bspApplication: ZDEPLOYAPP001
      bspApplicationText: TEST DEPLOY APP x1


Install ui5-deployer as a devDependency in your project.json

$ npm i --save-dev ui5-deployer

Getting Started

Pick one of the remote systems above and edit your ui5.yaml file according to it.

You have the option to use all parameters as is from the ui5.yaml file or overwrite few of them when executing ui5-cli.

You can overwrite: abapRepository.transportRequest || credentials.username || credentials.password || sapCloudPlatform.cloudFoundry.space

$ ui5-deployer deploy
$ ui5-deployer deploy --transport-request=ABAPDK99999
$ ui5-deployer deploy --username=MyUsername --password=MyPassword
$ ui5-deployer deploy --space=dev

You can see an example here: https://github.com/mauriciolauffer/ui5-deployer-app-test

The modified ui5-cli can be found here: https://github.com/mauriciolauffer/ui5-deployer-cli

Support to Environment Variables

The aforementioned properties can also be set via Environment Variables. This option follows the Twelve-Factor App best practices. The tool also supports .env files.

The expected Environment Variables are:


If you are using .env files, do not push them to your git repo as you may expose the secrets to everbody! Make sure to add .env to your .gitignore file.

Build and Test

TODO: Describe and show how to build your code and run the tests.