olympus-photosync copied to clipboard
This simple multi-platform application allows to download media through WIFI from digital Olympus cameras.
Updates * [org.openjfx:javafx-controls](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx) * [org.openjfx:javafx-fxml](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx) from 17-ea+8 to 20-ea+2. I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd like to skip...
Updates com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager from 1.8.1 to 1.9.11. I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd like to skip this version, you...
Updates [org.scoverage:sbt-scoverage](https://github.com/scoverage/sbt-scoverage) from 1.6.1 to 2.0.2. [GitHub Release Notes](https://github.com/scoverage/sbt-scoverage/releases/tag/v2.0.2) - [Version Diff](https://github.com/scoverage/sbt-scoverage/compare/v1.6.1...v2.0.2) I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd...
Updates [org.scalatest:scalatest](https://github.com/scalatest/scalatest) from 3.2.9 to 3.2.13. [GitHub Release Notes](https://github.com/scalatest/scalatest/releases/tag/release-3.2.13) - [Version Diff](https://github.com/scalatest/scalatest/compare/release-3.2.9...release-3.2.13) I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd...
Updates [org.scala-sbt:sbt](https://github.com/sbt/sbt) from 1.4.9 to 1.7.1. [GitHub Release Notes](https://github.com/sbt/sbt/releases/tag/v1.7.1) - [Version Diff](https://github.com/sbt/sbt/compare/v1.4.9...v1.7.1) I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd...
Updates * org.specs2:specs2-core * org.specs2:specs2-mock from 4.11.0 to 4.16.1. I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd like to skip...
Updates [org.scala-lang:scala-library](https://github.com/scala/scala) from 2.12.7 to 2.12.16. [GitHub Release Notes](https://github.com/scala/scala/releases/tag/v2.12.16) - [Version Diff](https://github.com/scala/scala/compare/v2.12.7...v2.12.16) I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd...
Updates [com.github.scopt:scopt](https://github.com/scopt/scopt) from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0. [GitHub Release Notes](https://github.com/scopt/scopt/releases/tag/v4.1.0) - [Version Diff](https://github.com/scopt/scopt/compare/v4.0.1...v4.1.0) I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd...
Updates [org.scoverage:sbt-coveralls](https://github.com/scoverage/sbt-coveralls) from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2. [GitHub Release Notes](https://github.com/scoverage/sbt-coveralls/releases/tag/v1.3.2) - [Version Diff](https://github.com/scoverage/sbt-coveralls/compare/v1.3.1...v1.3.2) I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd...
Updates * org.slf4j:slf4j-api * org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12 from 1.7.30 to 1.7.36. I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself. If you'd like to skip...