What is required and what is optional on the obj_attr_list is cloud-dependent. This dictionary gets populated in, with the values that it reads from the `config/templates`. Documentation on the...
Hmmm... just making sure that you have a sane configuration. So, taking SoftLayer as an example... every attribute that has a value of `need_to_be_configured_by_user` (e.g. needs to be...
Argh, my apologies, I used the links from our internal repo! Here it goes again, with the correct links: So, taking SoftLayer as an example... ... every attribute that...
That comes from Also, make sure that the `STARTUP_CLOUD` in is `MYAZS`
A mistake (from my part, when I copied from Digital Ocean).... please use "Large"....
Hello again. Thanks will add all 3 functions to the list of mandatory functions. Regarding the public vs private IPs, please let me know if this answers your question:
CBTOOL will know use whatever port in is specified on `prov_cloud_port` to ssh into the instances... an example here Regarding the other question, here are my answers: 1) Hmmm......
any news on this?
you're right, this is a bug. Right now, we are using comma to separate between multiple "initial commands" when `cb` is invoked. I need to think of a better solution...
Hello @danboid, thanks for opening the issue. I tried to address at least the first initial questions that you had in an update version of Questions left unanswered, which...