streem copied to clipboard
I was thinking a png icon along the lines of:
BTW, I'm not really that great at drawing, so any other icons would be great!
Streem A matz language.
@naturalethic I like that. Hold on......
Now, back to working on a package manager............
How about using the actual pipe syntax for the logo? I believe we're currently using |
but discussing something like |>
if I remember correctly. Also, I don't think Streem should be in all caps. I can play around with making some SVG and PNG icons if you want.
@matz Did you have any logo ideas yourself, or any comments on what I said or anything else in this thread?
Also, I'm assuming that Streem is going to have at least a few Japanese speaking users. I noticed that the Ruby website is currently using Noto Sans, which if I remember correctly includes Japanese characters (or at least has a font for Japanese in the same family). Should we use Noto Sans or a similar font for Streem's logo and branding to provide a more consistent visual experience for non-English speaking users?
Yes, probably. Also, what do you mean by using |>
in the logo?
For example, replacing the three waves with |>
or some sort of similar stream operator.
I just noticed that the Japanese version of the Ruby website uses Latin characters for the Ruby logo (I probably should have assumed this before...), so I don't think we should need to limit ourselves to Noto unless we want the same body font for the website (which I don't think we would).
I'm thinking about either Raleway Regular or Noto Serif Bold for the "Streem" font, with some sort of blue (I'm liking "Blue" on so far).
How about this:
@matz any suggestions?
I'm working on an SVG logo, it's tricky to get the |>
to look right. I'll post it when it's done.
Cool!! I can't wait to see it. Mine we kinda ugly.
Here's my work so far. Let me know if you have any comments, or if you want the fonts/colors/SVG/etc.
That's really good. I can't see anything that should be changed.
Thanks! :smile: I'm open to suggestions though, I'm sure I/we can figure out some sort of way to improve it.
Anyway, if you like this, I can upload the SVG somewhere (I'm using Inkscape) in case someone wants to play around with it or export it in different ways.
By the way, I'm still interested in what sort of logos we can come up with that use wave symbols (like what @naturalethic posted), though I do like how the |>
operator looks in the logo so far.
Personally, I prefer using the |>
symbol in the icon. But maybe we could put another one on the other side, so it looks less like a command prompt?
Here's what it looks like with the symbol twice.
I personally like the simplicity of only having it in front, and it looks more like most logos. However, I do like how it makes it look like "Streem" is going between some streams itself.
Having two symbols clearly associates flow and pipes and such with streem, clearly communicating what it is about. I also noticed something else though. The pipes are larger than any of the other letters. That looks awkward. Maybe you could make the font on the pipes smaller.
It's actually like that in the font (Raleway). It seems like most fonts have pretty tall pipes. The symbols are the same font size as the text, just with a heavier weight. Do you want me to try scaling them vertically to the height of the text or something like that?
Also, oops, looks like I forgot to vertically center the last >
Also, if we want to collaborate on this logo, how about I make a pull request? That way we can comment on diffs and stuff.
Yeah, that might be a good idea. I do like the font, but maybe you could make the font of the pipes smaller than the rest of the text, but still bold. It is looking cool so far though! I do have Inkscape, so we could collaborate. I'm no artist though.
See #65.
My take on a logo.
That looks neat, though I think it would prefer it if the black bars on the length had more equal lengths.
I like it. Especially since Matz decided to stay with plain pipes. Also, it has a cool Asian-ish-ness.
Maybe you could merge 川 and m.
FYI anyone that doesn't know 川 means stream or river. I like the idea, perhaps there is a font though that is more regular in size for the 3 bars.
On Fri Jan 16 2015 at 4:27:14 AM Shunsuke Aida [email protected] wrote:
Maybe you could merge 川 and m;
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When I get a chance I'll fix the height of the bars and some of the spacing problems I have with it. It was a quick mock-up while I was at work.