Blender-DDS-Addon copied to clipboard
Add Drag and Drop Import
Blender 4.1 got APIs for drag-drop events.
You can't overwrite the drag-drop events on the image editor. But you can add a new event to the DDS panel.
def is_dds_panel(context):
return (context.area and context.area.type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR'
and context.region and context.region.type == 'UI'
and context.region.active_panel_category == 'DDS')
class DDS_FH_import(bpy.types.FileHandler):
bl_idname = "DDS_FH_import"
bl_label = "File handler for dds import"
bl_import_operator = "dds.import_dds"
bl_file_extensions = ".dds"
def poll_drop(cls, context):
return is_dds_panel(context)
It means, you can drop dds files on the addon's panel to import them.