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Merely a virtual DOM example with proper diffing. Educational purpose.

lolvdom 🤯

A quick and dirty implementation of virtual dom, not to be taken seriously. Nonetheless, it should give you a basic idea of how virtual dom diffing works (and that was my main goal to begin with).

  • Does somewhat of a decent job at diffing virtual trees.
  • Wannabe React-like component structure (components are merely functions, nothing fancy).
  • Dirty implementation of "onAnyEvent".
  • Renders lists, but does not uniquely identify list children which would f*ck up diffing (fyi, think of React's key reserved prop). Try { => <div>{item}</div>)} at own risk.
  • Only works with nodes & text (strings), does not cast any other value to it's textual representation (yet?). See {String(count)} instead of {count} but that would be an easy fix.
  • Handles boolean attributes properly (eg: <input type="checkbox" checked={false} />).
/* @jsx vdom.createElement */

import vdom from './vdom';

function App({ count, increment }) {
  return ( 
      <button onClick={increment}>Go up!</button>

let state = {
  count: 0,

function increment() {
  state = {
    count: state.count + 1,

function render() {
    <App count={state.count} increment={increment} />,
