Jan Ph. H.
Jan Ph. H.
We could use the shell for flag inclusion`-DNCURSESW_INCLUDE_H=""`, which does not work properly in Makefiles or give manual Makefile adaption for user.
Thanks for the pointers! 1. Is `EINTR` already handled in Rust by retrying or are C semantics used? 2. `SIGSTOP and SIGCONT signals` are not handled, but I need to...
> do signals work this way? Signal semantics on the OS work in the following way: There is a process mask and thread mask of "always guaranteed to be delivered...
The problem can be reproduced on `bear 3.0.20` with a download of the latest zig https://ziglang.org/download/, which uses clang as library. ``` git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code zsh cd zsh ./Util/preconfig CC='zig...
I did also notice that invalid config files are not checked before compilation is run, which is unfortunate. The config file did not fix the problem either. At least for...
Hey @PaddiM8 , you can likely just use parts of [rink](https://github.com/tiffany352/rink-rs) or ping the maintainer. The project is specialised on unit conversion. You project looks to have more focus on...
@Serentty 1. What exactly is the difference to well-named hygienic macros aside of evaluation order (penalizing non-usage) and no explicit syntax? 2. Inheritance has a ton of edge-cases and the...
I do very much agree. Having the behavior explicit via macro_syntax/arguments would work. > We need trait specialization, not for being object orientated, but because it closes a performance gap...
@Vurich See #1888 for status. Would be nice, if you can close the issue after the thread is clarifying for you.
The title is very unfortunate, as it only shows tail call optimization(TCO) for the complicate case of `primitive recursive functions` (primitive means only recursive structure is the function calling itself)....