Jan Ph. H.
Jan Ph. H.
Sorry, but this is a too big config. At first glance I did not find the offending config. The setup for project detection also looks [quite different in lua](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-project.nvim#available-setup-settings) and...
> Can you confirm? Can you provide a minimal init.vim, so I can try it?
> type 'main' (for selecting main.tf) jjj (down 3 lines, not sure if this is significant) i (try to insert text) --- E523: Not allowed here Your instructions are incomplete...
Why do we not expose the functions to open the according mode to the user?
@matheusfillipe How does it differ to the option "browse inside files within your project" accessible via `b`/`C-b` ?
Ah, I get it. Instead of `require'telescope'.extensions.project.project{}` you want `require'telescope'.extensions.project.project{}.all()` and `require'telescope'.extensions.project.project{}.current()` Yes, this would help. I am planning this for running scripts (local project) vs editing scripts (all projects)....
Hey Tim, I am in the process of figuring out and communicating the intended direction to become maintainer. There are 3 blockers on the refactor (#75) for this: 1. [...
@tim-hilt Hey Tim, lua is fairly easy (you have 2 type of tables and functions). Files are also only tables. I am still using this for logging: ```lua local fp...
Can you print your cwd inside neovim, ie with `:pwd`? Check how dap finds the launch.json.
> project should auto reload the path This is logically inconsistent. Probably they mean that you should reload you lua config from that path, which is abit nicer with plenary....