Jan Ph. H.
Jan Ph. H.
~~You can call from vimscript a lua function that sets `hidden_files` accordingly to get the correct search. So something like `nnoremap ff Mytelefind :lua local var=toString(find_files_ignore(string())` should work. Otherwise using...
@athomasoriginal The suggestion is to create a vim command and use fargs (see `:help f-args`) or use a keybinding for calling the vim function. Alternatively you can write a custom...
Looking good. Can you add a 2 tests that use default and changed `cwd_scope`?
> If you have tested and are happy with this one I will merge? It works, but I really want basic test coverage, because PATH/CWD stuff is too easy to...
I dont understand why you use `assert.equal(0, vim.api.nvim_call_function("haslocaldir", {1}))` before `utils.change_project_dir(test_dir.filename, "tab"))` or "local". I would debug print the path (`pwd` inside neovim) to a file in `/tmp` to see...
> buffer scope instead of a window scope Please try to explain your use case in [harpoon](https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/harpoon), since the plugin is more tailored to buffer navigation. Project stuff is more...
FIY: I suggested a separate mode to edit the telescope-project.txt file in .local/share/nvim/telescope-project.txt in [this request for comment](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-project.nvim/issues/75). Would be curious what you think.
1. Can you be more explicit on this what information you want to extract? 2. Did you check, if telescope.nvim supports this?
Cool idea. :) Can you make this configurable to be enabled and disabled on keypress? This doesnt look too useful to be always enabled, unless one searches on github for...
@lazytanuki I was thinking that a user function, which provides the pathnames to search, would be much more flexible and would also allow the user to use regexes to list...