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BUG OTX 2: It's overloading pathfind in map/in-game
PT: Primeiro, os scripts, scripts mal feitos e que utilizam funções de melhor trajetória através do getPathTo, uso exagerado do getSpectator
O principal é a analise léxica Lua, tem script mal feito no servidor, principalmente creaturescript executando full time e sem necessidade.
Tá dando sobrecarga no pathfind no mapa segue a imagem.
Preciso resolver isso está dando um bug chato
que o problema está no otx, precisamente no pathfind
EN: First, the scripts, poorly made scripts that use best trajectory functions through getPathTo, use of getSpectator intensification
The main Lua lexicon, scripted on the server, poorly parsed creature is a full-time and unnecessary script mainly.
It's overloading pathfind on the map, follow the image.
I need to solve this it's giving an annoying bug
that the problem is in otx, precisely in pathfind
- OS (Linux): Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- OTServ Version: 8.60
- Tibia Version (8.60):
Nothing is overloading there, this function is used to calculate the paths of all creatures in game, if you have a lot of creatures and/or a lot of players running around using bots, it'll use this function a lot.
The correct thing would be to limit the view of monsters and remove monsters in upper and lower floors.
My map, for example, does not have hunts under another one, precisely to avoid this problem. Global map also already has this problem fixed, since it doesn't have several monsters together.