Matthew Rider
Matthew Rider
Sorry, I've misunderstood what the `/v1/search` endpoint returns. It does not return if a user is registered on a specific device, but that they are registered on the signal servers....
Hey @bbernhard sorry for never responding to your question. The solution I described :point_up: has worked for us, but I could also see the solution you suggest working well. I...
Currently failing the build with these errors: ``` Failed examples: rspec ./spec/controllers/statistic/media_controller_spec.rb:5 # Statistic::MediaController GET #index returns http success rspec ./spec/requests/chart_data/similarities_spec.rb:25 # ChartData::Similarities GET /chart_data/similarities rspec ./spec/requests/chart_data/similarities_spec.rb:41 # ChartData::Similarities GET...
I would like to be able to do this as well, does anyone have any idea whether this is possible, and if so, any links to share?
@appinteractive is there any information you could give us to help you out with this
@roschaefer says: _for later reference_ ``` it would be great to refactor the chart next to the bubble chart visualization ``` `this whole component: ` `can be replaced...
for creating seed data that is from more than three months in the past: Also, have a look at these: tests using time travel:
This is the link to the d3-legend from susie lu with examples:
@Tzanou123 we have a job to attach the avatar to our contributors as the avatars are stored in the signal-cli config... if you run: ```bash ls -llat /home/.local/share/signal-cli/avatars/ ``` you...
currently failing on these scenarios: ``` Failing Scenarios: cucumber -p first_try features/accept_job_application.feature:79 # Scenario: job developer accept notification when job application accepted cucumber -p first_try features/agency_admin.feature:211 # Scenario: assign job...