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Ping Failed! error
I am creating separate issue for ping failed instead of reusing #30
Environment: Centos 5.x 64 bit, server= jetty, Wordpress 3.3
When doing Check Server Settings I get ping failed.
- Solr 3.5: Multicore - added PingRequestHandler to solrconfig.xml. Still had ping failed issue
- Solr 3.5: single core - PingFailed
- Solr 1.4: Single Core - Ping Failed
Note: in all these cases I was able to use Solr's admin in the browser to get successful pings. Only failed through wordpress. I think its due to this but I get "Sorry, search is unavailable right now" when I try searching
Thanks, Fuji
I would guess wrong schema? When you are in the Solr Admin panel, does it say WP-Admin or something like that as the schema that it's pulling from? I think there is something in the code that is pulling the Plugin Formatted Ping request and giving back the right response. Getting it to show up in port 80 is a big win though. Took me forever to find the flag to set that allowed tomcat to communicate out on port 80 to remote requests. I couldn't even tell you where I found it either but mine is a cent os6 install with tomcat. You may also want to think about upgrading to 6.0 os. If I remember correctly the 5.6 version didn't have the version of php that had the solr commands included. I started with 5.6 and then eventually canned it for 6.0. I think though after everything if I had found the right flag/switch in the firewall SELinux allow command that I could of stayed with 5.6 just without the latest code functionality that showed in that last php update before it goes to like 5.2 in 6.0. (I think this is all from memory, sorry about details being iffy, i'm a rather big noob)
cupbearer - can you elaborate on why we need tomcat to communicate via 80?
From what I understood apache is on 80 and wordpress internally communicates with the solr port (in my case its 8983) and returns the result through port 80.
The schema pulled from browser does show as "wp-data" so is the right schema.
any other thoughts or help?
I had to manually set my SELinux firewall to allow connection.
httpd_can_network_connect (HTTPD Service) Allow HTTPD scripts and modules to connect to the network. httpd_can_network_relay (HTTPD Service) Allow httpd to act as a relay.
Even when I set my CentOS Firewall to Off, there were certain default Booleans that are set when the system boots that I had to change. The bottom link is to a list of all of the Booleans. The top 2 were the specific Booleans that had to be set I think in my case. There were other httpd Booleans that I set to true as well since they affected all sorts of things going on with WordPress. Httpd on ftp and so forth.
The httpd_can_network_connect was the part though that allowed requests on port 80 (a web page) to send a communication request to another port on the box, 8080 for tomcat and 8983 for the other one. Then it could receive the return information and then display that info. My guess is that there is something in there that is blocking the communication in one way or the other.
Thanks a lot for your response cupbearer - Looks like I dont have SELinux running on my . Also I have wordpress connecting to the database using a different port which seems to be working.
I even tried turning off firewall and explicitly allowing the port but still no dice. So don't think its a firewall problem. This is driving me crazy :) esp since I convince my boss to let me use wordpress instead of drupal
The base SELinux firewall settings load whether or not your firewall is turned on or off (stupid) , selinux I think is part of the base install. That 1 line makes it where you can view all of booleans that are set for your box. It's in the link that I sent...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
-----Original message----- From: fujipadam [email protected] To: "Jerry E. Craig" [email protected] Sent: Mon, Jan 23, 2012 01:28:12 GMT+00:00 Subject: Re: [solr-for-wordpress] Ping Failed! error (#31)
Thanks a lot for your response cupbearer - Looks like I dont have SELinux running on my . Also I have wordpress connecting to the database using a different port which seems to be working.
I even tried turning off firewall and explicitly allowing the port but still no dice. So don't think its a firewall problem. This is driving me crazy :) esp since I convince my boss to let me use wordpress instead of drupal
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Got it - but looks like selinux is disabled in my system
-bash-3.2# /usr/sbin/getenforce Disabled
-bash-3.2# getsebool -a getsebool: SELinux is disabled
So its not an SELinux issue
If you are trying to access it remotely ensure that the tomcat RPM doesn't configure it to listen to only to localhost/ This is a common scenario on RHEL/Cent systems
Hey Dustinrue - thanks for the suggestion but I have everything wordpress, mysql and solr all in the same box