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XCUITest helper for testing custom schemes & universal links
GhostHand 👻
Have you ever tried to test custom schemes or universal links with XCUITest? You may have tried to use one of the simulator's built in apps (like Messages of Safari), but encountered frustration. With Apple changing up these apps on the simulator all the time, it's like trying to hit a moving target.
But what if there was an easy, reliable and FAST way to test custom schemes/universal links? That's where GhostHand comes in! The GhostHand library contains a pre-built app that will install itself on your simulator. Just call the GhostHandLib's static function, and it will open the companion app with your supplied URL, and will call
:)` on open. This should work for both custom schemes and universal links.
Currently GhostHand supports Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods, Carthage, and manual installs
Swift Package Manager
Click File->Swift Packages->Add Package Dependency..., and add this Github URL as your source URL. Make sure to add it to your UI Test Target.
Then go to your UI Test Target in Xcode, click Build Phases
, and add a new run script with the following code:
First add the GhostHand pod to your project's UI Test Target in your Podfile
target 'MyProjectUITests' do
# Other UI Test pods....
pod 'GhostHand'
Then go to your UI Test Target in Xcode, click Build Phases
, and add a new run script with the following code:
Add the GhostHand library to your Cartfile:
github "mattstanford/GhostHand"
After you've linked the library properly to your UI Test Target, click on the project in Xcode, select the UI Test Target, click Build Phases
, and add a new run script with the following code:
Manual Install
Link the GhostHandLib
framework to your UI Test Target appropriately, click on the project in Xcode, select the UI Test Target, click Build Phases
, and add a new run script with the following code:
Once GhostHand is setup on your UI Test Target appropriately, it's time to put it into action!
Here's a simple UI Test that exercises GhostHand. Note that we are assuming the app being tested here has the custom scheme myApp://
registered in the info.plist properly:
func testSample() {
let app = XCUIApplication()
let appBooted = app.staticTexts["Sample App for 👻"].waitForExistence(timeout: 5)
//Tap the home button to put the app under test in the background
//Use the GhostHand companion app to launch the custom scheme
GhostHand.launch(url: "myApp://TEST")
//The app should be called by the GhostHand companion app
let appShowedAgain = app.staticTexts["Sample App for 👻"].waitForExistence(timeout: 5)