IScala copied to clipboard
Scala backend for IPython
IScala is a Scala-language backend for IPython.
First obtain a copy of IScala from here. The
package comes with pre-compiled IScala.jar
and collection of scripts for running IPython's
console, qtconsole and notebook. IScala.jar
contains all project dependencies and resources,
so you can move IScala easily around. To start IPython's console, simply issue bin/console
in a terminal. This will start ipython console
and setup it to use IScala backend instead
of the default Python one. Issue bin/qtconsole
or bin/notebook
to start IPython's Qt
console or notebook, respectively.
To start IPython with IScala backend manually, issue:
ipython console --KernelManager.kernel_cmd='["java", "-jar", "lib/IScala.jar", "--connection-file", "{connection_file}", "--parent"]'
The same works for qtconsole
and notebook
, and is, in principle, what scripts in bin/
do. Note that you may have to provide a full path to IScala.jar
. Option --parent
important and tells IScala that it was started by IPython and is not a standalone kernel.
If not provided, double ^C
signal) within 500 ms terminates IScala. Otherwise,
signal or shutdown message is needed to terminate IScala gracefully. As a safety
measure, IScala also watches connection file that IPython provided. If the file is removed,
the respective kernel is terminated.
You can also create a scala
profile for IPython. To do this, issue:
$ ipython profile create scala
[ProfileCreate] WARNING | Generating default config file: u'~/.config/ipython/profile_scala/'
[ProfileCreate] WARNING | Generating default config file: u'~/.config/ipython/profile_scala/'
[ProfileCreate] WARNING | Generating default config file: u'~/.config/ipython/profile_scala/'
Then add the following line:
c.KernelManager.kernel_cmd = ["java", "-jar", "$ISCALA_PATH/lib/IScala.jar", "--connection-file", "{connection_file}", "--parent"]"
to ~/.config/ipython/profile_scala/
. Replace $ISCALA_PATH
with the actual
location of IScala.jar
. Then you can run IPython with ipython console --profile scala
To start a standalone kernel simply issue:
$ java -jar lib/IScala.jar
connect ipython with --existing kernel-18271.json
Welcome to Scala 2.10.2 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_27)
This creates a connection file kernel-PID.json
, where PID
is the process ID of IScala
kernel. You can connect IPython using --existing kernel-PID.json
. You can provide an
existing connection file with --connection-file
IScala supports other options as well. See java -jar IScala.jar -h
for details. Note
that you can also pass options directly to Scala compiler after --
$ java -jar IScala.jar --connection-file kernel.json -- -Xprint:typer
This will start standalone IScala with preexisting connection file and make Scala compiler print Scala syntax trees after typer compiler phase.
$ bin/console
Welcome to Scala 2.10.2 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_27)
In [1]: 1
Out[1]: 1
In [2]: 1 + 2 + 3
Out[2]: 6
In [3]: (1 to 5).foreach { i => println(i); Thread.sleep(1000) }
In [4]: val x = 1
Out[4]: 1
In [5]: x
Out[5]: 1
In [6]: 100*x + 17
Out[6]: 117
In [7]: x.<TAB>
x.% x.- x.>> x.isInstanceOf x.toFloat x.toString x.|
x.& x./ x.>>> x.toByte x.toInt x.unary_+
x.* x.> x.^ x.toChar x.toLong x.unary_-
x.+ x.>= x.asInstanceOf x.toDouble x.toShort x.unary_~
In [7]:<TAB>
x.toByte x.toChar x.toDouble x.toFloat x.toInt x.toLong x.toShort x.toString
In [7]: x.toS<TAB>
x.toShort x.toString
In [7]: 1/0
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
In [8]: java.util.UUID.fromString("abc")
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid UUID string: abc
In [9]: class Foo(a: Int) { def bar(b: String) = b*a }
In [10]: new Foo(5)
Out[10]: Foo@70f4d063
In [11]:"xyz")
Out[11]: xyzxyzxyzxyzxyz
In [12]: import scala.language.experimental.macros
In [13]: import scala.reflect.macros.Context
In [14]: object Macros {
...: def membersImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[List[String]] = {
...: import c.universe._
...: val tpe = weakTypeOf[A]
...: val members =
...: val literals = => Literal(Constant(member)))
...: c.Expr[List[String]](Apply(reify(List).tree, literals))
...: }
...: def members[A] = macro membersImpl[A]
...: }
In [15]: Macros.members[Int]
Out[15]: List(<init>, toByte, toShort, toChar, toInt, toLong, toFloat, toDouble, unary_~,
unary_+, unary_-, +, <<, >>>, >>, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, |, &, ^, -, *, /, %, getClass)
IScala supports magic commands similarly to IPython, but the set of magics is
different to match the specifics of Scala and JVM. Magic commands consist of
percent sign %
followed by an identifier and optional input to a magic. Magic
command's syntax may resemble valid Scala, but every magic implements its own
domain specific parser.
Type information
To infer the type of an expression use %type expr
. This doesn't require
evaluation of expr
, only compilation up to typer phase. You can also
get compiler's internal type trees with %type -v
or %type --verbose
In [1]: %type 1
In [2]: %type -v 1
TypeRef(TypeSymbol(final abstract class Int extends AnyVal))
In [3]: val x = "" + 1
Out[3]: 1
In [4]: %type x
In [5]: %type List(1, 2, 3)
In [6]: %type List("x" -> 1, "y" -> 2, "z" -> 3)
List[(String, Int)]
In [7]: %type List("x" -> 1, "y" -> 2, "z" -> 3.0)
List[(String, AnyVal)]
Library management
Library management is done by sbt. There is no
need for a build file, because settings are managed by IScala. To add a
dependency use %libraryDependencies += moduleID
, where moduleID
organization % name % revision
syntax. You can also use %%
to track
dependencies that have binary dependency on Scala. Scala version used is
the same that IScala was compiled against.
To resolve dependencies issue %update
. If successful this will restart
the interpreter to allow it to use the new classpath. Note that this
will erase the state of the interpreter, so you will have to recompute
all values from scratch. Restarts don't affect interpreter's settings.
In [1]: import scalaj.collection.Imports._
<console>:7: error: not found: value scalaj
import scalaj.collection.Imports._
In [2]: %libraryDependencies += "org.scalaj" %% "scalaj-collection" % "1.5"
In [3]: %update
[info] Resolving org.scalaj#scalaj-collection_2.10;1.5 ...
[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.2 ...
In [1]: import scalaj.collection.Imports._
In [2]: List(1, 2, 3)
Out[2]: List(1, 2, 3)
In [3]: _2.asJava
Out[3]: [1, 2, 3]
In [4]: _3.isInstanceOf[List[_]]
Out[4]: false
In [5]: _3.isInstanceOf[java.util.List[_]]
Out[5]: true
In [6]: %libraryDependencies
If a dependency can't be resolved, %update
will fail gracefully. For example,
if we use com.scalaj
organization instead of org.scalaj
, then we will get
the following error:
In [1]: %libraryDependencies += "com.scalaj" %% "scalaj-collection" % "1.5"
In [2]: %update
[info] Resolving com.scalaj#scalaj-collection_2.10;1.5 ...
[warn] module not found: com.scalaj#scalaj-collection_2.10;1.5
[warn] ==== sonatype-releases: tried
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: com.scalaj#scalaj-collection_2.10;1.5: not found
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[error] unresolved dependency: com.scalaj#scalaj-collection_2.10;1.5: not found
By default IScala uses Sonatype's releases maven repository. To add more
repositories use %resolvers += "Repo Name" at "https://path/to/repository"
and run %update
Obtain a copy of IScala either by cloning this repository or download it from here. We use SBT for dependency management, compilation and deployment. In a terminal issue:
$ cd IScala
$ ./sbt
This will start SBT console (which will be indicated by >
prefix). On first run
SBT will download itself, its dependencies and plugins, and compile project build
file. From here you can compile the project by issuing compile
> compile
It implicitly run update
task, so on first run it will download all project
dependencies (including Scala standard library and compiler), so it may take a
while. Note that dependencies are cached in ~/.ivy2
directory, so they will be
picked up next time SBT is run (also in other projects compiled from the same
Ignore any (deprecation) warnings you will get. To start IScala issue:
> run
[info] Running org.refptr.iscala.IScala
[info] connect ipython with --existing kernel-18271.json
[info] Welcome to Scala 2.10.2 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_27)
This is an equivalent of starting a standalone IScala kernel from a terminal. To
terminate a kernel press Ctrl+C
(SBT my signal an error). Finally to generate
a JAR file with IScala's class files, resources and dependencies, issue assembly
You can run it with:
$ java -jar IScala.jar
Unless you made any changes, this is exactly the JAR you can download from IScala's releases page.
This is an early work in progress. Main features and majority of IPython's message specification were implemented, however certain features are not yet available (e.g. introspection) or are limited in functionality and subject to major changes. Report any problems and submit enhancement proposals here.
This work is substantially based on IJulia, a Julia-language backend for IPython.
Copyright © 2013-2014 by Mateusz Paprocki and contributors.
Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE.