hclq copied to clipboard
ENH: Support arm64 on Darwin (Apple M1)
~ % sh install.sh
sh: install.sh: No such file or directory
~ % # Download the script
curl -sSLo install.sh https://install.hclq.sh
# Inspect the script before executing, as is good practice
# for code from the internet, regardless of trust!
less install.sh
# Run it!
sh install.sh
Unsupported or undetected platform: 'arm64'
~ %
Edited platform_check() in install.sh
platform_check() {
# OS and ARCH variables also used to download binary in main function
OS="$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')"
ARCH="$(uname -m)"
case "$ARCH" in
amd64) ARCH=amd64;;
x86_64) ARCH=amd64;;
i386) ARCH=386;;
i686) ARCH=386;;
arm) ARCH=arm;;
arm64) ARCH=arm;;
*) fail "Unsupported or undetected platform: '$ARCH'";;
Tried install process again:
sh install.sh
Installing /usr/local/bin/hclq
hclq is not available for OS 'darwin' on architecture 'arm'
mac arm support would be great
need MAC support too
M1 support please
You can still use the darwin amd64 binary since it will execute under Rosetta compatibility layer
in theory, pls test and add new make build target for MacOS M1 (can update install.sh downloaded on your own)
export GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64; $(BUILD_CMD) -o "$@"
cd "$(@D)" && shasum -a 256 "$@" >> hclq-shasums