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How can call lorem with Japanese character?
As we know that "lorem*20" can expand into a 20-characters string.
ls emmet-vim-master/autoload/emmet/lorem
en.vim ja.vim
"ja.vim" can generate lorem text in Japanese then?How can?
let g:user_emmet_settings = {
\ 'variables': {'lang': 'ja'},
\ 'html': {
\ 'default_attributes': {
\ 'option': {'value': v:null},
\ 'textarea': {'id': v:null, 'name': v:null, 'cols': 10, 'rows': 10},
\ },
\ 'custom_expands' : {
\ '^\%(lorem\|lipsum\)\(\d*\)$' : function('emmet#lorem#ja#expand'),
\ },
And then expand with lorem5
I add it in my .vimrc,the lorem5 still call English characters when editing "test.hmtl". How can make lorem:ja5 expand with Japanese,lorem:en5expand with Engllish?