Still work in progress?
bash-language-server, vim-language-server, json-language-server, those require nodejs.
If the repository you git cloned has an .efm-config.yaml that you didn't notice, and it contains a configuration that deletes your important files, what can we do about it?
FYI, vim does not load `.exrc` if you don't set `set exrc`. VSCode show confirmation dialog to trust the local settings. And vim-lsp-settings does not load local-configuration file.
As far as I look the source code of Go and efm-langserver, Go and efm-langserver does not output log `empty url`.
This seems to be known issue. You may want to install libz3.
Thanks your useful informations. @thomasfaingnaert can you handle this issue?
libz3 seems different package. zlib1g-dev is right?
How about to use clang+llvm-9.0.0-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.xz instead of tarball on ubuntu?
Do you have any settings for `g:lsp_settings` ?