what environment do you use? linux or OSX, or Windows?
I don't have OSX, but no errors on Linux, Windows with vim. it occur on nvim?
Then, it is a bug of nvim.
Once remove ~/.gist-vim and please try it again.
@jalcine right. but the async with only vim script is harder to implement. it's easy to use external command like below. ``` let job = job_start(["gist", "/tmp/gistXXXXX"], {"callback": "GistDone"}) ```...
it should works with just put ~/.gist-vim. If you still have an issue, please generate new token again.
Keyword `token` leading a line is missing?
What version of vim do you use? gvim or vim? OS?
Do you set g:gist_clip_command?
Thanks. Will look later