cakephp-3-acl-example copied to clipboard
Missing Component: AclComponent could not be found.
Thank you for this very useful tutorial.
Im having a litle error:
Missing Component: AclComponent could not be found.
Error: Create the class AclComponent below in file: src\Controller\Component\AclComponent.php
And it seems that the file isnt in the location mentioned above, i installed the plugin via composer from my app directory.
Thanks in advance.
I have the same problem and in the command
bin\cake acl_extras aco_sync
Component class AclComponent could not be found. in [C:\xampp\htdocs\pruebas\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Controller\ComponentRegistry.php, line 99
I never intended to do anything more with this project, but it seems there is some interest in it. I can revisit some of these issues when I have some free time shortly.
Are you sure that you've installed the ACL plugin via composer and loaded the ACL plugin in config/bootstrap.php
Plugin::load('Acl', ['bootstrap' => true]);
I just ran through this tutorial on a fresh CakePHP install and fixed some issues along the way, but this is something I did not run into.
Hi guys can someone tell me why am getting the error below, after moving my app to live host?
Error: The application is trying to load a file from the Acl plugin.
Make sure your plugin Acl is in the /home/portwort/public_html/vivapro/plugins/ directory and was loaded.
ACL is load in bootstrap file as follows Plugin::load('Acl', ['bootstrap' => true],["routes"=>"true"]);
Funnily everything seems to work fine on my local host. Thanks
Did you install the ACL plugin on your server?
Hi I am also getting similar error as @spyller. When running the command bin\cake acl_extras aco_sync. And this is happen at the end of the Aco's successfully created .
Hi matt, sorry to re-open and old discussion.
I have finished your tutorial without any errors, however, after creating the groups and users, and grant them permissions, I've logged off and tried to login again, but got this error message: "AclComponent could not be found. Error: Create the class AclComponent below in file: src\Controller\Component\AclComponent.php"
I've also looked at the said folder in my project folder and really could not find the file, also at your source code there is no such file.
Do you have any idea of what can I do to fix this problem?