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Use fzf to quickly browse Zsh manuals
to quickly browse Zsh manuals
This plugin scrapes the Zsh documentation for index words and phrases and lets you quickly navigate to the online docs. It uses fzf to provide fuzzy searching. Be sure you have it installed prior to using this plugin.
Why do you need this plugin?
If you have ever tried to find some Zsh documentation from the command line, you know
how tricky that can be. First, you probably try man
out of habit:
% man zstyle
No manual entry for zstyle
Then, assuming you have run-help set up properly, maybe you try that.
% run-help zstyle
zstyle See the section `The zsh/zutil Module' in zshmodules(1)
Instead of taking you where you want to go, it tells you you need to search yet again, so you do:
% run-help zshmodules
# finally, you're in the docs!
# but, you still have to search once more by typing '/zstyle'
I got tired of all that and decided there's got to be a better way. With this plugin, you simply do the following:
% zman zstyle
# fuzzy finder opens with your initial 'zstyle' query.
# pick one of the options and your browser opens right to the online manual
If you don't want to make a selection, CTRL-c
cancels as you would expect.
Install with a Zsh plugin manager
To install using a Zsh plugin manager, add the following to your .zshrc
antidote install mattmc3/zman
zcomet load mattmc3/zman
zgenom load mattmc3/zman
znap source mattmc3/zman
Install manually, without a plugin manager
To install manually, first clone the repo:
git clone ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zplugins/zman
Then, in your .zshrc, add the following line:
source ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zplugins/zman/zman.zsh
Install for Oh-My-Zsh
To install with Oh-My-Zsh, first clone the repo from an interactive Zsh session:
# make sure your $ZSH_CUSTOM is set
# now, clone the plugin
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zman
Then, add the plugin to your Oh-My-Zsh plugins list in your .zshrc
# in your .zshrc, add this plugin to your plugins list
plugins=(... zman)
Install for Prezto
To install with Prezto, first clone the repo from an interactive Zsh session:
# make sure your $ZPREZTODIR is set
# clone the repo to a prezto contrib dir
git clone $ZPREZTODIR/contrib/zman/external
# set up the contrib
echo "source \${0:A:h}/external/zman.plugin.zsh" > $ZPREZTODIR/contrib/zman/init.zsh
Then, add the plugin to your Prezto plugins list in .zpreztorc
zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
... \
zman \