Matt Lindsey
Matt Lindsey
The 'About' section on the Projects page will get updated by running the rake task below for the websiteone project but not other projects. I think maybe there's an issue...
WebsiteOne had integration with Google Hangouts, which has been shut down and replaced with Google Chat: There was a button to start a hangout from an Event and communication...
Add a special 'admin' interface that would allow authorized people to do maintenance on the app. For example deactivate/delete spam users and/or projects, load the static pages, 'pin' important projects...
Do one of more of the following possibilities: - Add 'share' button for event like on other platforms (like the arrow on a Twitter tweet that allows you to copy...
Replace one/some of the other javascript files in app/assets/javascripts (and app/assets/javascripts/global-modules) that use the custom window.WebsiteOne code to define modules. Convert them to Hotwire/Stimulus controllers like done in these PRs:...
This is ambitious, but add basic e-learning functionality, including: Lessons, Courses, Enrollment and tracking progress. Then add a short course like 'Getting started contributing to Open Source.' The following course...
We should consider restoring the saving of VCR cassettes in github ,which was removed recently. It’s easier to develop and manage without them, but then there’s the potential of having...
Not a huge deal, but `data = client.current_weather(city: city, units: units)` seems to blow up with `Faraday::ResourceNotFoundError` error when given given `Atlanta, GA`, `imperial`, but works fine with `Atlanta, Georgia`,...
Feature branch for adding E-Learning to the website described in #3845. Checkout and submit a PR to this branch if you're interested in helping: `git checkout 3845_e_learning_start`
'bundle install' works with latest polyamorous gem, but running gives following error: ``` mattlindsey@MATTs-MBP WebsiteOne (1737_rails_5) $ bundle exec cucumber features [Coveralls] Using SimpleCov's 'rails' settings. There was an error...