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Premium demos?
Hey everyone! 👋
I currently work on this project for free in my spare time, and I'm looking into some ways to make the project more sustainable, so that I can justify spending more time maintaining it. One of the methods I'm considering, is by creating some premium demos, they would work exactly the same as the current demos, except to access the source code you (or better yet your employer!) would need to pay a fee (somewhere around the $100 mark).
Some of the things I'm considering making premium demos of are:
- Show events on the month view that span multiple days (
- Mobile friendly components
- Usage with angular material
- Fetching holidays from an API and showing them as distinct milestone style events (
- Showing how to support non-gregorian calendars e.g. hebrew, hijri, jalali etc
- Infinite scrolling the month / week / day views, apple calendar style
- Adding some more advanced functionality on the day view scheduler
- Import and export of events to ICS:
- Grouping events together and expanding to show more
- More date adapters e.g. luxon
- Better timezone support
If you would be willing to pay for this, please add a thumbs up on the issue, plus if you have any other ideas of demos you would pay to see, please comment here!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and for using my project! ❤️
p.s. anyone who donates $50 or above on Patreon will get this for free when it's finished
You have what has to be the single most useful free component I use regularly. I would love to support the project for some premium content! Heck, I would buy the battlepass at this point! Keep up the good work.
Hey Matt. First thanks for your component. It's been very useful to me. I have a personal project where I use your calendar and it works like a charm. The only problem is that for me there are so many events that it's necessary to use the horizontal scroll to be able to see all of them.
I was wondering if there is some functionality (or plan to create it) where it's possible to see more events in a hour time frame in a vertical way. Some way to put a fix event width and when all events full fill a line, it starts another line for the same hour.
I'll definitely contribute($) to your project.
Oh neat, I didn't know about that, thanks @agilob!
It was only announced today or yesterday, and I get here by accident, just checking if that but in IE has been reported already. since I'm here, do you know of any fix for situation when list of events in a day doesnt hide a component when day is "unclicked" on IE11?
Like here when I click on day it shows component with list of events, when clicked different day, it hides it. On IE11 it calls onNgDestroy of that nested component, but doesn't remove it from DOM :(
It sounds like that might be a bug in angular itself, but it's hard to say as I don't have access to a windows machine to debug it on IE11
Hello, I'm super interested by "Usage with angular material", especially if we can use the material theme :)
@mattlewis92 Do you have a premium demo for showing events on the month view that span multiple days? This calendar does everything I need except that. We were able to change the dots to bars using CSS but if they overlap, the events don't say in the same order.