diozero icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
diozero copied to clipboard

Java Device I/O library that is portable across Single Board Computers and microcontrollers. Tested with Raspberry Pi, Odroid C2, BeagleBone Black, Next Thing CHIP, Asus Tinker Board and Arduinos / Pi...

Results 25 diozero issues
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I am interested in using diozero on my current project with pi4j however, is there any way to use this library using Gradle?

Hello, I'm planning to use you're awesome project to teach kids in java. In my opinion this is a nice way to intruduct into object orientated programming - I like...

Hello, I'm running the WS281x (Neopixel) code on an RPi4, raspberry PiOS 64bit: pi@raspberrypi:~/neopixeltest $ uname -a Linux raspberrypi 5.10.92-v8+ #1514 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jan 17 17:39:38 GMT 2022 aarch64...

I would like to avoid setting all pins of MCP23xxx on application start. It is possible to set pins values to zero if needed, after initialisation. However, when all pins...

Hello, If i try the test programm its working all but if i try a java programm im getting this error: ws2811_init failed: Hardware revision is not supported Exception in...

Here is my code : ```java this.pca9685 = new PCA9685(I2CConstants.CONTROLLER_1, 0x40, 50); // Later, called by another thread : this.pca9685.setDutyUs(index, SERVO_CONFIG[index].getTrim().convertAngleToPulseWidthUs(rotDeg)); // Finally, when the program is shutdown : this.pca9685.close();...

Hello mattjlewis I'm starting to test the DebouncedDigitalInputDevice class. Until now I had implemented a function made by myself for debouncing but your solution looks better. However, I have noticed...

Hello, Is there a way to set the alt function of a gpio from within diozero? I'm trying to keep within diozero as much as possible without resorting to calling...

This is the first step to make your core jar file to a bundle that is usable in an osgi framework. Are you open for such an PR? If yes,...

Since April 24, 2021 the SLF4J binding of tinylog supports also SLF4J 2.0 . would it be an option to switch to the more used SLF4J api and let the...
