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Accompanying tutorial/intro documentation?

Open zafarali opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

A friend sent me this that seems to be accompanying this repository, I was wondering if there were any plans to add a README-style markdown document to this with a sort of "walk through" for what's behind the scenes?

If people would be interested in this, I could work on the code and slides and write something up like this

zafarali avatar Feb 09 '18 14:02 zafarali

I'd love to see some tutorial-like documentation accompanying this repo!

tomekkorbak avatar Feb 09 '18 20:02 tomekkorbak

The slides are great, I think it would be enough to link them from the README already. Thanks for sharing them in this issue!

lucasb-eyer avatar Mar 23 '18 23:03 lucasb-eyer