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add docstrings

Open mattjj opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Docstrings for some key functions and data structures, especially Node and Box, might help. Any suggestions for specific places to add docstrings?

mattjj avatar Jan 30 '18 20:01 mattjj

One that came up today: subvals. Reading through it, I guess it stands for "substitute values"?

In general, some of the shorthand can be difficult to trace (no pun intended).

dustinvtran avatar Jan 31 '18 04:01 dustinvtran

Another is primitive, which wraps f_raw followed by wraps which wraps f_wrapped and is parameterized by f_raw. It's not clear why there's nested decorators until you read and grok all the logic.

dustinvtran avatar Jan 31 '18 04:01 dustinvtran