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Command to reproduce results on MuST-C failing

Open Chaitanya-git opened this issue 4 years ago • 43 comments

Running the command provided in the readme to reproduce the results on MuST-C of the paper "Adapting Transformer to End-to-End Spoken Language Translation" results in the following error:

| distributed init (rank 1): tcp://localhost:18735
| distributed init (rank 0): tcp://localhost:18735
| distributed init (rank 2): tcp://localhost:18735
| distributed init (rank 3): tcp://localhost:18735
Namespace(adam_betas='(0.9, 0.999)', adam_eps=1e-08, arch='speechconvtransformer_big', attention_dropout=0.1, attn_2d=True, audio_input=True, bucket_cap_mb=150, clip_norm=20.0, criterion='label_smoothed_cross_entropy', data=['bin/'], ddp_backend='no_c10d', decoder_attention_heads=8, decoder_embed_dim=512, decoder_ffn_embed_dim=1024, decoder_layers=6, decoder_learned_pos=False, decoder_normalize_before=True, decoder_out_embed_dim=512, decoder_output_dim=512, device_id=0, distance_penalty='gauss', distributed_backend='nccl', distributed_init_host='localhost', distributed_init_method='tcp://localhost:18735', distributed_port=18736, distributed_rank=0, distributed_world_size=4, dropout=0.1, encoder_attention_heads=8, encoder_convolutions='[(64, 3, 3)] * 2', encoder_embed_dim=512, encoder_ffn_embed_dim=1024, encoder_layers=6, encoder_learned_pos=False, encoder_normalize_before=True, fix_batches_to_gpus=False, fp16=False, fp16_init_scale=128, fp16_scale_window=None, freeze_encoder=False, init_variance=1.0, keep_interval_updates=-1, label_smoothing=0.1, left_pad_source='True', left_pad_target='False', log_format=None, log_interval=1000, lr=[0.005], lr_scheduler='inverse_sqrt', lr_shrink=0.1, max_epoch=100, max_sentences=8, max_sentences_valid=8, max_source_positions=1400, max_target_positions=300, max_tokens=12000, max_update=0, min_loss_scale=0.0001, min_lr=1e-08, momentum=0.99, no_attn_2d=False, no_cache_source=False, no_epoch_checkpoints=False, no_progress_bar=False, no_save=False, normalization_constant=1.0, optimizer='adam', optimizer_overrides='{}', raw_text=False, relu_dropout=0.1, reset_lr_scheduler=False, reset_optimizer=False, restore_file='checkpoint_last.pt', save_dir='models', save_interval=1, save_interval_updates=0, seed=1, sentence_avg=True, skip_invalid_size_inputs_valid_test=True, source_lang=None, target_lang=None, task='translation', train_subset='train', update_freq=[16], upsample_primary=1, valid_subset='valid', validate_interval=1, warmup_init_lr=0.0003, warmup_updates=4000, weight_decay=0.0)
| [h5] dictionary: 4 types
| [de] dictionary: 192 types
| bin/ train 229703 examples
| bin/ valid 1423 examples
Exception ignored in: <function IndexedDataset.__del__ at 0x7f0de0de5790>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/fairseq/data/indexed_dataset.py", line 85, in __del__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../train.py", line 365, in <module>
Exception ignored in: <function IndexedDataset.__del__ at 0x7f9f0b8f3790>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/fairseq/data/indexed_dataset.py", line 85, in __del__
    def __del__(self):
    def __del__(self):
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/multiprocessing_train.py", line 42, in main
  File "/home/amit/.pyenv/versions/3.8.2/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 149, in join
    res = self._popen.wait(timeout)
  File "/home/amit/.pyenv/versions/3.8.2/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/popen_fork.py", line 47, in wait
    return self.poll(os.WNOHANG if timeout == 0.0 else 0)
  File "/home/amit/.pyenv/versions/3.8.2/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/popen_fork.py", line 27, in poll
    pid, sts = os.waitpid(self.pid, flag)
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/multiprocessing_train.py", line 84, in signal_handler
    raise Exception(msg)

-- Tracebacks above this line can probably be ignored --

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/multiprocessing_train.py", line 48, in run
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/train.py", line 53, in main
    dummy_batch = task.dataset('train').get_dummy_batch(args.max_tokens, max_positions)
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/fairseq/data/language_pair_dataset.py", line 221, in get_dummy_batch
    return self.collater([
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/fairseq/data/language_pair_dataset.py", line 224, in <listcomp>
    'source': self.src_dict.dummy_sentence(src_len) if self.src_dict is not None else None,
  File "/home/amit/amit/pruning/FBK-Fairseq-ST/fairseq/data/dictionary.py", line 302, in dummy_sentence
    t = torch.Tensor(length).new_empty((length, self.audio_features)).uniform_(self.nspecial + 1, len(self))
RuntimeError: Expected a_in <= b_in to be true, but got false.  (Could this error message be improved?  If so, please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)

I've tried running the command with Python 3.5 and Python 3.8 and I get the same error both times I believe the error is caused because the parameters being passed to torch::nn::init::uniform_ are incorrect.

I tried fixing the error myself by changing self.nspecial + 1 to self.nspecial in the following line https://github.com/mattiadg/FBK-Fairseq-ST/blob/2d152404df1ffce944d6bc11f3fb8361fb4810f7/fairseq/data/dictionary.py#L302

Is this a valid fix?

Thanks in advance, Chaitanya

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 09 '20 17:04 Chaitanya-git

What version of pytorch are you using? Is the training script that causes the failure?

mattiadg avatar Apr 12 '20 16:04 mattiadg

I'm on pytorch 1.4.0. It is the training script that fails

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 13 '20 06:04 Chaitanya-git

I have the same problem. This is happening in AudioDictionary.dummy_sentence() where (I think) the code is creating a dummy audio segment, and trying to initialise it with uniform_(self.nspecial + 1, len(self)) . This gives a uniform distribution between 5 and 4, and so hits the assertion - note that the AudioDictionary only has the 4 special symbols. Since (presumably) the symbols don't make sense for the AudioDictionary, I replaced with _uniform(0,1), and it continues without encountering the error above -- albeit with many other unrelated warnings.

bhaddow avatar Apr 13 '20 09:04 bhaddow

I am using it with pytorch 1.1.0 and I don't get that error. Would you mind trying it with this version? As of now, I don't know if there are other problems with pytorch 1.4, but thank you @bhaddow for this workaround. Can you let me know if the training is succesful?

mattiadg avatar Apr 13 '20 10:04 mattiadg

Training is progressing and it is creating checkpoint models. The log just seems to be full of warnings though. Should I see validation scores?

I am using pytorch 1.4 too.

bhaddow avatar Apr 13 '20 12:04 bhaddow

I found the validation scores. Doe this look normal?

| epoch 001 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 278.29 | valid_nll_loss 1.80495 | valid_ppl 3.49 | num_updates 1884
| epoch 002 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 281.825 | valid_nll_loss 1.83722 | valid_ppl 3.57 | num_updates 3768 | best 278.29
| epoch 003 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 274.323 | valid_nll_loss 1.75094 | valid_ppl 3.37 | num_updates 5652 | best 274.323

bhaddow avatar Apr 13 '20 13:04 bhaddow

The validation scores don't look encouraging. Are you using a pretrained encoder?

mattiadg avatar Apr 13 '20 16:04 mattiadg

I'm using the training command suggested here https://towardsdatascience.com/getting-started-with-end-to-end-speech-translation-3634c35a6561

bhaddow avatar Apr 13 '20 21:04 bhaddow

Try to train it with ENglish target first, and then use this ASR model to pretrain the encoder, as explained in that blog.

mattiadg avatar Apr 13 '20 22:04 mattiadg

I have the same problem. This is happening in AudioDictionary.dummy_sentence() where (I think) the code is creating a dummy audio segment, and trying to initialise it with uniform_(self.nspecial + 1, len(self)) . This gives a uniform distribution between 5 and 4, and so hits the assertion - note that the AudioDictionary only has the 4 special symbols. Since (presumably) the symbols don't make sense for the AudioDictionary, I replaced with _uniform(0,1), and it continues without encountering the error above -- albeit with many other unrelated warnings.

This is what I thought too. The only difference is instead of trying to initialize the tesnor using _uniform(0,1) I tried uniform_(self.nspecial, len(self))

With that change, at the end of 100 epochs I get the following output:

| epoch 100 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 0.321441 | valid_nll_loss 0.00317835 | valid_ppl 1.00 | num_updates 53791 | best 0.3028

I did not use a pretrained encoder either

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 14 '20 05:04 Chaitanya-git

Thanks @mattiadg , I will look into it. Although I suspect I did something wrong in preprocessing, since it works OK for @Chaitanya-git without pre-training. Note that I am training en-es, but that shouldn't matter, right?

bhaddow avatar Apr 14 '20 09:04 bhaddow

Actually, I'm not sure that the training of @Chaitanya-git was good. I've never seen a perplexity of 1 in a translation task. @Chaitanya-git can you please tell us how the tranlations look?

mattiadg avatar Apr 14 '20 10:04 mattiadg

Hi @mattiadg, I am trying with python 3.5.6 and pytorch 1.1.0 and I don't get the uniform_(self.nspecial + 1, len(self)) error but, I get some errors with python multiprocessing sempahores. Do you mind sharing which python and packages versions are you using? Thanks in advance. EDIT: I know that these semaphores errors can be related to memory problems, but I want to make sure I match your software requirements.

guillemcortes avatar Apr 14 '20 11:04 guillemcortes

Actually, I'm not sure that the training of @Chaitanya-git was good. I've never seen a perplexity of 1 in a translation task. @Chaitanya-git can you please tell us how the tranlations look?

You're right @mattiadg. The translations do look pretty bad. Most of the translations seem to be one word translations and I get a BLEU score of 0 using your guide. Although I initially thought I was using the script wrong, it does seem the translations are bad. I tried en-de translation BTW. And since I don't know German, I can't say for sure 😅

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 14 '20 11:04 Chaitanya-git

@guillemcortes I'm using python 3.6.4 with pytorch 1.1.0. Other packages: numpy 1.15.0, h5py 2.7.0, but I don't think that they really affect. I don't get errors or warnings during training. Only the warning that some segments were left out of tranining because too long.

@Chaitanya-git can you try with pytorch 1.1.0?

mattiadg avatar Apr 14 '20 14:04 mattiadg

@mattiadg , I ran the training script with pytorch 1.1.0 for a while and I was able to train for 7 epochs total. Here's what those results look like:

| epoch 007 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 257.965 | valid_nll_loss 1.62146 | valid_ppl 3.08 | num_updates 11578 | best 257.965

Does that look ok? Also, looks like the previous results I posted may be incorrect as I had made certain modifications to the criterion being used. With those modifications removed, the results look like this (with pytorch 1.4.0):

| epoch 077 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 247.787 | valid_nll_loss 1.48971 | valid_ppl 2.81 | num_updates 59281 | best 246.304

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 15 '20 05:04 Chaitanya-git

It now looks more normal to me

Il mer 15 apr 2020, 07:05 Chaitanya [email protected] ha scritto:

@mattiadg https://github.com/mattiadg , I ran the training script with pytorch 1.1.0 for a while and I was able to train for 7 epochs total. Here's what those results look like:

| epoch 007 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 257.965 | valid_nll_loss 1.62146 | valid_ppl 3.08 | num_updates 11578 | best 257.965

Does that look ok? Also, looks like the previous results I posted may be incorrect as I had made certain modifications to the criterion being used. With those modifications removed, the results look like this (with pytorch 1.4.0):

| epoch 077 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 247.787 | valid_nll_loss 1.48971 | valid_ppl 2.81 | num_updates 59281 | best 246.304

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mattiadg avatar Apr 15 '20 07:04 mattiadg

So pytorch 1.4 also works with the original workaround? Edit: The translations seem just as bad with the pytorch 1.4 model as before. I guess I'll have to wait for the pytorch 1.1 model to finish training

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 16 '20 04:04 Chaitanya-git

Did you try to translate?

Il gio 16 apr 2020, 06:58 Chaitanya [email protected] ha scritto:

So pytorch 1.4 also works with the original workaround?

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mattiadg avatar Apr 16 '20 06:04 mattiadg

Yes, the same issue persists as before. The translations all very bad, consisting of the same output for all inputs

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 16 '20 06:04 Chaitanya-git

I am seeing the same issue with the translations. The output of the en-es system is nearly always one word (gracias). We will try the asr pretraining, but welcome any other suggestion.

bhaddow avatar Apr 16 '20 10:04 bhaddow

The issue persists with pytorch 1.1 as well. Is this expected without ASR pretraining? I'll try ASR pretraining as well and see how it goes

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 16 '20 12:04 Chaitanya-git

I'll run another training to be sure. From what you are saying, it looks like the data are not parallel, but this is strange.

Il gio 16 apr 2020, 14:25 Chaitanya [email protected] ha scritto:

The issue persists with pytorch 1.1 as well

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mattiadg avatar Apr 16 '20 12:04 mattiadg

@Chaitanya-git @bhaddow how many gpus are you using for training? I think hat I forgot to mention it in the blog and wrote it only in the README, but those hyperparameters are for training with 4 GPUs. Sorry, if it wasn't clear before.

mattiadg avatar Apr 16 '20 16:04 mattiadg

I was using a single GPU. If I increase update-freq, will that give me the equivalent effect to using more GPUs? (if slower). I could also increase the batch size, since training was only using around 6G of GPU memory.

bhaddow avatar Apr 16 '20 16:04 bhaddow

I'm running a new training with 4 gpus on English target to check again that it works. I think that reaching a batch size of about 512 should be fine in any case, although using more gpus may be better.

mattiadg avatar Apr 16 '20 16:04 mattiadg

@mattiadg I have tried training with two and three GPUs. Could you tell me what parameters need to be changed as the number of GPUs change and how they vary with number of GPUs used?

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 16 '20 17:04 Chaitanya-git

My ASR training with 4 gpus is going normal. After 10 checkpoints the WER of the test set is 35%. Not exciting but definitely not random. I can show you my log:

` | distributed init (rank 0): tcp://localhost:10540 | distributed init (rank 3): tcp://localhost:10540 | distributed init (rank 2): tcp://localhost:10540 | distributed init (rank 1): tcp://localhost:10540 Namespace(adam_betas='(0.9, 0.999)', adam_eps=1e-08, arch='speechconvtransformer_big', attention_dropout=0.1, attn_2d=True, audio_input=True, bucket_cap_mb=150, clip_norm=20.0, criterion='label_smoothed_cross_entropy', data=['en-data/'], ddp_backend='c10d', decoder_attention_heads=8, decoder_embed_dim=512, decoder_ffn_embed_dim=1024, decoder_layers=6, decoder_learned_pos=False, decoder_normalize_before=True, decoder_out_embed_dim=512, decoder_output_dim=512, device_id=0, distance_penalty='log', distributed_backend='nccl', distributed_init_host='localhost', distributed_init_method='tcp://localhost:10540', distributed_port=10541, distributed_rank=0, distributed_world_size=4, dropout=0.1, encoder_attention_heads=8, encoder_convolutions='[(64, 3, 3)] * 2', encoder_embed_dim=512, encoder_ffn_embed_dim=1024, encoder_layers=6, encoder_learned_pos=False, encoder_normalize_before=True, fix_batches_to_gpus=False, fp16=False, fp16_init_scale=128, fp16_scale_window=None, freeze_encoder=False, init_variance=1.0, keep_interval_updates=-1, label_smoothing=0.1, left_pad_source='True', left_pad_target='False', log_format=None, log_interval=1000, lr=[0.005], lr_scheduler='inverse_sqrt', lr_shrink=1.0, max_epoch=40, max_sentences=8, max_sentences_valid=8, max_source_positions=2000, max_target_positions=1000, max_tokens=12000, max_update=0, min_loss_scale=0.0001, min_lr=1e-08, momentum=0.99, no_attn_2d=False, no_cache_source=False, no_epoch_checkpoints=False, no_progress_bar=False, no_save=False, normalization_constant=1.0, optimizer='adam', optimizer_overrides='{}', raw_text=False, relu_dropout=0.1, reset_lr_scheduler=False, reset_optimizer=False, restore_file='checkpoint_last.pt', save_dir='test-en-github/', save_interval=1, save_interval_updates=0, seed=1, sentence_avg=True, skip_invalid_size_inputs_valid_test=True, source_lang='npz', target_lang='en', task='translation', train_subset='train', update_freq=[16], upsample_primary=1, valid_subset='valid', validate_interval=1, warmup_init_lr=0.0003, warmup_updates=4000, weight_decay=0.0)

| [npz] dictionary: 4 types | [en] dictionary: 128 types | en-data/ train 275085 examples | en-data/ valid 1412 examples | model speechconvtransformer_big, criterion LabelSmoothedCrossEntropyCriterion | num. model params: 32065928 | training on 4 GPUs | max tokens per GPU = 12000 and max sentences per GPU = 8 | WARNING: 6635 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[146719, 172914, 62622, 63095, 60890, 158276, 192509, 202678, 21062, 229407] | epoch 001 | loss 345.671 | nll_loss 2.790 | ppl 6.92 | wps 6147 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 530 | lr 0.00092275 | gnorm 83.252 | clip 100% | oom 0 | wall 4564 | train_wall 3829 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 001 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 265.411 | valid_nll_loss 1.7563 | valid_ppl 3.38 | num_updates 530 | epoch 002 | loss 208.065 | nll_loss 1.198 | ppl 2.29 | wps 6138 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 1060 | lr 0.0015455 | gnorm 34.713 | clip 95% | oom 0 | wall 8926 | train_wall 7667 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 002 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 173.456 | valid_nll_loss 0.718237 | valid_ppl 1.65 | num_updates 1060 | best 173.456 | epoch 003 | loss 164.330 | nll_loss 0.703 | ppl 1.63 | wps 6144 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 1590 | lr 0.00216825 | gnorm 15.954 | clip 10% | oom 0 | wall 13283 | train_wall 11501 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 003 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 156.076 | valid_nll_loss 0.543782 | valid_ppl 1.46 | num_updates 1590 | best 156.076 | epoch 004 | loss 153.569 | nll_loss 0.584 | ppl 1.50 | wps 6165 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 2120 | lr 0.002791 | gnorm 11.643 | clip 0% | oom 0 | wall 17626 | train_wall 15320 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 004 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 151.681 | valid_nll_loss 0.492578 | valid_ppl 1.41 | num_updates 2120 | best 151.681 | epoch 005 | loss 148.969 | nll_loss 0.534 | ppl 1.45 | wps 6154 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 2650 | lr 0.00341375 | gnorm 9.523 | clip 0% | oom 0 | wall 21977 | train_wall 19142 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 005 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 148.997 | valid_nll_loss 0.465587 | valid_ppl 1.38 | num_updates 2650 | best 148.997 | epoch 006 | loss 146.105 | nll_loss 0.502 | ppl 1.42 | wps 6159 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 3180 | lr 0.0040365 | gnorm 7.991 | clip 0% | oom 0 | wall 26324 | train_wall 22968 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 007 | loss 144.123 | nll_loss 0.481 | ppl 1.40 | wps 6156 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 3710 | lr 0.00465925 | gnorm 6.948 | clip 0% | oom 0 | wall 30674 | train_wall 26796 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 007 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 146.028 | valid_nll_loss 0.428592 | valid_ppl 1.35 | num_updates 3710 | best 146.028 | epoch 008 | loss 142.530 | nll_loss 0.463 | ppl 1.38 | wps 6162 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 4240 | lr 0.00485643 | gnorm 6.274 | clip 0% | oom 0 | wall 35019 | train_wall 30619 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 008 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 145.568 | valid_nll_loss 0.422683 | valid_ppl 1.34 | num_updates 4240 | best 145.568 | epoch 009 | loss 140.290 | nll_loss 0.438 | ppl 1.35 | wps 6172 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 4770 | lr 0.00457869 | gnorm 5.560 | clip 0% | oom 0 | wall 39358 | train_wall 34430 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 009 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 142.987 | valid_nll_loss 0.393616 | valid_ppl 1.31 | num_updates 4770 | best 142.987 | epoch 010 | loss 138.494 | nll_loss 0.418 | ppl 1.34 | wps 6158 | ups 0.1 | wpb 50195 | bsz 507 | num_updates 5300 | lr 0.00434372 | gnorm 5.138 | clip 0% | oom 0 | wall 43705 | train_wall 38251 | WARNING: 38 samples have invalid sizes and will be skipped, max_positions=(2000, 1000), first few sample ids=[460, 1149, 527, 259, 299, 650, 409, 846, 99, 456] | epoch 010 | valid on 'valid' subset | valid_loss 141.833 | valid_nll_loss 0.380392 | valid_ppl 1.30 | num_updates 5300 | best 141.833 `

I thought that you may observe a lot of "Thank you" or "gracias" or whatever translation if you look only at the first translations. Fairseq translates after sorting the input by length, shorter sentences first. Can you confirm that you observe one-word translations all over the translation file?

@Chaitanya-git I think that it should be quite equivalent as long as you keep a batch size of 512.

mattiadg avatar Apr 17 '20 10:04 mattiadg

I checked the output of my first run, and it's gracias all the way down.

I am running again (without pretraining) using 2 GPUs and doubling the update-freq to 32. With a max-tokens of 12000, this gives a batch size of around 500 sentences. fairseq is using dynamic batching, right? On this run, the valdi_ppl looks healthier - it's at 1.8 after 26 epochs - whereas with the small batch size it hardly moved at all. @guillemcortes is testing the asr training

bhaddow avatar Apr 17 '20 10:04 bhaddow

I just trained from scratch again with 4 GPUs for around 7 epochs and now the translations seem to be much better. Earlier the translations were indeed one word translations for the entire file. However, fail to understand exactly how to control the batch size to be around 512. I understand max-tokens, update-freq and max-sentences affect the batch size, but I fail to understand how the final value of 512 is obtained. Could @mattiadg or @bhaddow clarify this for me? Thanks!

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 17 '20 11:04 Chaitanya-git

I estimated the average batch size by dividing the number of sentences by the number of updates per epoch.

bhaddow avatar Apr 17 '20 11:04 bhaddow

It's roughly max sentences times update freq times number of gpus.

Il ven 17 apr 2020, 13:24 Barry Haddow [email protected] ha scritto:

I estimated the average batch size by dividing the number of sentences by the number of updates per epoch.

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mattiadg avatar Apr 17 '20 11:04 mattiadg

Alright, thanks!

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 17 '20 12:04 Chaitanya-git

I trained a speechconvtransformer_paper model from scratch on 4 GPUs without ASR pretraining and I'm getting a BLEU score of only 0.33 after 80 epochs of training. Is that to be expected?

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 19 '20 05:04 Chaitanya-git

No, that is really strange. I'm running a training again on En-Es with and without pre-training. They started last night. With pre-training is much better, but tonight I can tell you something about the results.

mattiadg avatar Apr 20 '20 07:04 mattiadg

Ok, @Chaitanya-git you were right. Also in my training the one without pre-training diverged early, while the other is going well

mattiadg avatar Apr 20 '20 21:04 mattiadg

Ok, so ASR pretraining isn't an optional step then as it previously seemed, as it seems to be the only way to get the model to converge.

Chaitanya-git avatar Apr 21 '20 02:04 Chaitanya-git

It can converge also without pre training, but it requires another learning rate that needs to be found.

Il mar 21 apr 2020, 04:48 Chaitanya [email protected] ha scritto:

Ok, so ASR pretraining isn't an optional step then as it previously seemed, as it seems to be the only way to get the model to converge.

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mattiadg avatar Apr 21 '20 07:04 mattiadg

Should ASR pre-training be given "translation" in the "--task" parameter? Thanks in advance.

Giuseppe-Della-Corte avatar May 22 '20 09:05 Giuseppe-Della-Corte

Yes, the task is translation. Language model is for using the decoder only. (I saw that you mentioned it in Medium).

mattiadg avatar May 22 '20 10:05 mattiadg

Many thanks @mattiadg

Giuseppe-Della-Corte avatar May 22 '20 10:05 Giuseppe-Della-Corte

It can converge also without pre training, but it requires another learning rate that needs to be found. Il mar 21 apr 2020, 04:48 Chaitanya [email protected] ha scritto: Ok, so ASR pretraining isn't an optional step then as it previously seemed, as it seems to be the only way to get the model to converge. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#4 (comment)>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AA7LDIURU727K555A7U3RFTRNUCOXANCNFSM4ME5H4JQ .

I also had the similar confusion about the pretrain. It seems that pretrain is a necessary step for this task, am I right about this? BTW, could you share the numbers for the translation quality without pretrain? Thanks!

mingboma avatar Jul 28 '20 16:07 mingboma

Hi @mattiadg , do you mind sharing the training log (mainly the trend of train loss and valid loss) when training with and without ASR pretraining? And how many epochs do we need for convergence? I also cannot achieve reasonable results with the command.

zxshamson avatar Oct 30 '20 03:10 zxshamson