Matthijs Cox
Matthijs Cox
Ha, great advice and I was already incorporating it myself. I removed the plotci dependency, perhaps that dependency should actually be inverted, but I'll not touch that. I'm also taking...
Looking into the stacked bars, I found some strange behavior if any of the groups matches the x data. The y-offset of the bars seems to be computed incorrectly in...
Alright, the above stacking issue is a bit more complex, and should probably become a separate issue. It's related to how you determine the height of the stack, using the...
I'm also looking for some documentation. I got something working by doing the following, trying it out on JSON.jl: ```julia using StaticLint, JSON server = StaticLint.FileServer() root, hints = StaticLint.lint_file(pkgdir(JSON,...
Okay, I got that working, but I still only get missing references on JSON. I'll try on another package as well. ```julia julia> f.diagnostics 4-element Vector{LanguageServer.Diagnostic}: LanguageServer.Diagnostic(LanguageServer.Range(LanguageServer.Position(21, 60), LanguageServer.Position(21, 71)),...
What would be the right version? The version in my environment manifest matches the source code version if that is what you mean. I'm now trying out DataFrames.jl, a package...
I see. That doesn't exist indeed, because the path right now points to DataFrames source code. I have changed to the following: ```julia package_path = pkgdir(DataFrames) root_file = joinpath(package_path, "src",...
Thanks, that gets me further indeed. I get a lot of "UnusedFunctionArgument" and "UnusedBinding" errors. I see these are not reported in the Problems tab in VS Code. However I...
Would it be worth to update the docs with this example? Or is this not the desired behavior, because we depend on LanguageServer.jl and we'd preferably setup an independent StaticLint...
To bypass this issue I wrote my own, much simpler, Makefile examples without any Unix shell scripting. It's in this [EmbedJuliaInC repository](