Matthieu Sieben

Results 76 comments of Matthieu Sieben

In my opinion, @kanongil 's proposal looks great. It has the advantage to be much less verbose. Plugins could cause conflicts (e.g. two different plugins declare a `yaml` parser but...

I would add a way to allow a parser to be used globally (= add a parser to the list of "default" parsers used by a server), similar to how...

Thank you for your answer. That is indeed how I tried to implement this. My question really is "is there a built-in way to add onPostResponse listeners on a per-request...

The reason I am asking this is because the pattern that consists of adding a global listener that should not run most of the time seems less elegant than dynamically...

> Maybe hapi just needs a new event that triggers right after the response has been submitted, but before the data is written? Eg. a 'responded' event with a...

My current use case for this is to be able to get a db connection from a pool and "bind" it to a request. Lazily getting that db connection (once...

I am currently using `FinalizationRegistry` to perform my plugin cleanups. `tail` would be perfect for my use case. What would it take to bring it back ?

@robobr you error looks similar to this Could this issue also be linked to that other issue ?