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Reinforcement learning for medical decisions
AI Clinician: reinforcement learning in intensive care
Code for a reinforcement learning model applied to the management of intravenous fluids and vasopressors in patients with sepsis in intensive care.
Related to publication:
Author: Dr Matthieu Komorowski, Imperial College London, 2015-2019 - [email protected]
The 2 datasets used in the research are:
- eICU-RI: not publicly available in full, subset available here:
Cohort definition: all adult patients fulfilling the sepsis-3 definition:
This repository contains:
I. the Jupyter notebook to perform data extraction in MIMIC-III (AIClinician_Data_extract_MIMIC3_140219.ipynb)
II. the Matlab code to identify the cohort of patients with sepsis in MIMIC-III (AIClinician_sepsis3_def_160219.m)
III. the Matlab code to re-create the MIMIC-III dataset (AIClinician_MIMIC3_dataset_160219.m)
IV. the Matlab code (AIClinician_core_160219.m) to:
- build 500 different discrete state and action MDP models from the MIMIC-III training dataset;
- select the best policy from off-policy evaluation on the MIMIC-III validation set;
- test this optimal policy on the eICU-RI dataset;
- compute the main results and key figures.
V. Additional files:
- The unique identifiers for these patients in both datasets are provided (patientIDs_MIMIC3.csv and patientIDs_eRI.csv). Note: you'll need to add 200,000 to all the patient identifiers in patientIDs_MIMIC3 to match the numbering found in the initiail database.
- A detailed desciption of the datasets (Dataset description Komorowski 111118.xlsx).
- deloutabove.m and deloutbelow.m : custom functions to delete outliers.
- fixgaps.m : custom function for linear interpolation.
- reference_matrices.mat contains the mapping of item identifiers and concepts, and data for sample-and-hold technique.
- SAH.m : custom function to perform sample-and-hold.
External files and toolboxes used:
- MDP toolbox (some functions modified):
- Fastknnsearch :