ethereum-paper-wallet copied to clipboard
Paper Wallet Generator for Ethereum
Paper Wallet Generator for Ethereum
Application Description
Command line tool to create (offline) Ethereum paper wallets. For the mnemonic sentences the BIP39 specification is used. For the wallet address path relies on the BIP44 specification.
Demo Output
The output of the tool is a HTML page that can be viewed in any browser.
An example output is provided below.
As we want to create paper wallets, the CSS is prepared make the HTML printable.
Run the Application
After cloning this repo build the command line tool using Maven.
mvn clean package
The result of the Maven build is an executable JAR file.
Creating a Paper Wallet
Use the following command to create a paper wallet.
java -jar target/epwg-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -d /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp -p 'password'
This will lead to some information on the console
creating wallet ...
wallet file successfully created
wallet pass phrase: 'password'
wallet file location: /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39.594331000Z--9a1d5dd27b3b9ded07a25e4dbf0a9c539a5edd27.json
writing additional output files ...
html wallet: /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39.594331000Z--9a1d5dd27b3b9ded07a25e4dbf0a9c539a5edd27.html
address qr code: /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39.594331000Z--9a1d5dd27b3b9ded07a25e4dbf0a9c539a5edd27.png
Three file are created by the tool as indicated in the output above
- The actual wallet file (UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39... .json)
- The HTML file for printing (UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39... .html)
- The image file with the QR code for the paper wallet address (UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39... .png)
Providing the Password in a more secure way
The above mentioned commands will show the password on screen while typing it. In addition the command is retained in the command history. These drawbacks can be avoided using the mechanism provided below.
java -jar target/epwg-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -d data -p $(read -s -p "password: "; echo $REPLY)
The same modification may also be used for all commands provided in the examples below. Special thanks to dkhokhlov for the hint in issue #7.
Verifying a (Paper) Wallet
The tool also allows to verify a provided wallet file against a provided pass phrase.
java -jar target/epwg-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -p 'password' -w /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39.594331000Z--9a1d5dd27b3b9ded07a25e4dbf0a9c539a5edd27.json -v
This will lead to some information on the console
veriying wallet file ...
wallet file successfully verified
wallet file: /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39.594331000Z--9a1d5dd27b3b9ded07a25e4dbf0a9c539a5edd27.json
pass phrase: password
Creating a Paper Wallet with a given Mnemonic
Use the following command to create a paper wallet for a specified menmonic "kite scan embark dismiss text syrup salon butter cross rude hammer course".
java -jar target/epwg-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -d /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp -p 'password' -m 'kite scan embark dismiss text syrup salon butter cross rude hammer course'
This will lead to some information on the console
creating wallet ...
wallet file successfully created
wallet pass phrase: 'password'
wallet file location: /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-09T10-07-55.955089000Z--03c4b5778a3ded3957890cfc9251aa1d1a521916.json
writing additional output files ...
html wallet: /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-09T10-07-55.955089000Z--03c4b5778a3ded3957890cfc9251aa1d1a521916.html
address qr code: /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-09T10-07-55.955089000Z--03c4b5778a3ded3957890cfc9251aa1d1a521916.png
Creating an offline Transaction
The tool further allows to create an offline transaction for provided wallet details
java -jar target/epwg-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -p 'password' -w /Users/matthiaszimmermann/tmp/UTC--2020-10-08T07-42-39.594331000Z--9a1d5dd27b3b9ded07a25e4dbf0a9c539a5edd27.json -t 0x025403ff4c543c660423543a9c5a3cc2a02e2f1f -a 0.0123
leading to the following output.
Target address: 0x025403ff4c543c660423543a9c5a3cc2a02e2f1f
Amount [Ether]: 0.0123
Nonce: 0
Gas price [Wei]: 20000000000
Gas limit [Wei]: 21000
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendRawTransaction","params":["0xf86b808504a817c80082520894025403ff4c543c660423543a9c5a3cc2a02e2f1f872bb2c8eabcc000801ba0374026a8b52870008143f09beae2648da1b891ebf71260f1c0d450854ce087a2a07929efec1ea48ef78afb731af5a50273a8a94821c59638d67b9d1dad6c27038e"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"<infura-token>
The last line may be used to send the transaction to the Etherem network (using your infura token).
The project is maintained with the Eclipse IDE using Java 8. Building the project is done with Maven. For Ethereum the web3j library is used, to create QR codes the ZXing library and for command line parsing the JCommander library.