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A very simple .NET Core console app with DynamoDB
Getting Started With DynamoDB with C# (.NET Core)
This is a very simple .NET Core console app with DynamoDB. It verifies or creates a DynamoDB table, waits for that table to become active, then adds one document to the table and retrieves it.
The item stored in the database is modeled on the audio state item created in the Alexa Audio Player sample.
Nuget Package
Search or type Install-Package AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2
into your Package Manager Console
Add the following namespaces
using Amazon;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DataModel;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model;
using Amazon.Runtime;
Set Your AWS Credentials
BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials, RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
Verify a Table
var tableResponse = await client.ListTablesAsync();
if (!tableResponse.TableNames.Contains(tableName))
// Create our table if it doesn't exist
Create a New Table
await client.CreateTableAsync(new CreateTableRequest
TableName = tableName,
ProvisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput
ReadCapacityUnits = 3,
WriteCapacityUnits = 1
KeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>
new KeySchemaElement
AttributeName = hashKey,
KeyType = KeyType.HASH
AttributeDefinitions = new List<AttributeDefinition>
new AttributeDefinition {
AttributeName = hashKey,
AttributeType =ScalarAttributeType.S
Wait for New Table to Create / Become Active
bool isTableAvailable = false;
while (!isTableAvailable) {
var tableStatus = await client.DescribeTableAsync(tableName);
isTableAvailable = tableStatus.Table.TableStatus == "ACTIVE";
Set Your Context
var context = new DynamoDBContext(client);
Create an Object and Save It
// Create our audio state object
AlexaAudioState currentState = new AlexaAudioState
UserId = "someAwesomeUser",
State = new StateMap()
EnqueuedToken = "awesomeAudioPart2",
Index = 0,
Loop = true,
OffsetInMS = 123456,
PlaybackFinished = false,
PlaybackIndexChanged = false,
playOrder = new List<int> { 0, 1 },
Shuffle = false,
State = "PLAY_MODE",
Token = "awesomeAudioPart1"
// Save that object into our DynamoDB
await context.SaveAsync<AlexaAudioState>(currentState);
Retrieve a Document
List<ScanCondition> conditions = new List<ScanCondition>();
conditions.Add(new ScanCondition("UserId", ScanOperator.Equal, currentState.UserId));
var allDocs = await context.ScanAsync<AlexaAudioState>(conditions).GetRemainingAsync();
var savedState = allDocs.FirstOrDefault();
Delete a Table
await client.DeleteTableAsync(new DeleteTableRequest() { TableName = tableName });