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FOR Loop for Directory Creation and File Moves
I recommend using a FOR loop for the directory creation and file moves. It's far more efficient. Here's a version with that implemented.
Here's a Perl script to rename them - I didn't care if they were in perfect order in each directory, I just needed them to be indexed by Plex, so any purists won't be happy. Also, I renamed the base directory to "LooneyTunes" and thus the file names will all start with that followed by S[Year]E[counter] in each subdirectory. Make sure you change the path in the "for" command to your own Plex TV shows path!
# to run, drop to a CMD prompt and get into your Looney Tunes base directory
# while in the Looney Tunes base directory you iterate thru each subdirectory and run the script
# for /d %x in ("C:\plex\tv-shows\LooneyTunes\Season*") do cd "%x" && perl ..\
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw();
use strict;
my $cd = Cwd::cwd(); # get current directory
my $c=0; # init episode counter
while(my $fil=readdir(DIR)) {
next if -d $fil; # ignore subdirectories (so only works 1 level down)
(my $b, my $d, my $e) = fileparse($fil,'\..+');
my $w = substr($cd, -4); # grab last 4 chars of current directory name
next if ($w<1 or $w>1000000); # cheap test for if it is a number (makes sure we're in a Year)
next if ($fil =~ m/^LooneyTunes/); # ignore already renamed files (change to match your system)
my $ep = sprintf("%02d",$c);
my $newfil = "LooneyTunes - S$w" . "E$ep - $fil"; # Change LooneyTunes to match your system
print "Renaming $fil to $newfil\n\n";
rename($fil,$newfil) or warn "Couldn't rename file: $!\n";