gomill icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Python tools for the game of Go (GTP and SGF)

====== Gomill

Gomill is a suite of tools, and a Python library, for use in developing and testing Go-playing programs. It is based around the Go Text Protocol (GTP) and the Smart Game Format (SGF).

Full documentation and contact information is available from the home page__.

.. __: https://mjw.woodcraft.me.uk/gomill/


Gomill requires Python 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7.

Gomill is intended to run on any modern Unix-like system.

A Python 3 version of the SGF code is available as a separate Sgfmill__ project.

.. __: https://mjw.woodcraft.me.uk/sgfmill/

Building the documentation

To build the HTML documentation yourself::

sphinx-build -c gomill_docs -b html gomill_docs build/html_docs

The documentation will be generated in build/html_docs.


  • Sphinx__ version 1.0 or later (at least 1.0.4 recommended; tested with 1.4)
  • LaTeX__
  • dvipng__

.. __: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/ .. __: https://www.latex-project.org/ .. __: https://www.nongnu.org/dvipng/

Running the tests

To run the tests::

python -m gomill_tests.run_gomill_testsuite