trinity-orientation-2018 copied to clipboard
Doesn't work anymore
I tried running this, but it bugs the Cache Manager wholly.
Hi, in pubspec.yaml, replace
cached_network_image: git:
cached_network_image: ^0.4.0
I did it and ran flutter pub get
. Still showing a problem:
"resource": "/D:/Projetos/pessoal/trinity-orientation-2018/lib/firebase_cache/cached_firebase_image.dart",
"owner": "dart",
"code": "invalid_override",
"severity": 8,
"message": "'CachedNetworkImageProvider.load' ('ImageStreamCompleter Function(CachedNetworkImageProvider)') isn't a valid override of 'ImageProvider.load' ('ImageStreamCompleter Function(CachedNetworkImageProvider, Future<Codec> Function(Uint8List, {cacheHeight: int, cacheWidth: int}))').",
"source": "dart",
"startLineNumber": 462,
"startColumn": 24,
"endLineNumber": 462,
"endColumn": 28,
"tags": []
Hi, in pubspec.yaml, replace
cached_network_image: git:
bycached_network_image: ^0.4.0
This worked for me but i have other problems like unused imports and values.
Dude pls contact me I'm trying to run this app about 2 weeks