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Swift 5.0 compatibility
Are you planning to update codebase?
Hi Team,
I am having a trouble loading the keychain data. App crash when loadDataForUserAccount is called. Mac OS 10.14.4 and Xcode 10.2
When you guys are planning to update codebase. @matthewpalmer @victor @jonallured @hermanolsson @jakemarsh @diejmon @marcelofabri @edwellbrook @larslockefeer
updated Xcode and it converted my codebase to Swift 5.0 compulsively 😫. Now I need Locksmith in 5.0 😤
Just submitted a Pull Request to address this, hope some of the admins see it
Is this repository deprecated?
same issue for me too. any solution please?
my issue is same as @MayankAgarwal04 Trouble loading the keychain data. App crash when loadDataForUserAccount is called. Mac OS 10.14.4 and Xcode 10.2 - Swift 5
sorry, I messed up, my comment was for a different project.
- Use it with PR
- use my fork
- download it yourself and put Swift 5.0 instead of 4.x
EDIT: I'm using my own fork, which just address the flag that it should compile with Swift 5.0 (it works)
swift 5 upgraded, all tests passed check this out https://github.com/stephanheilner/Locksmith